Dorset & Wilts Cluster Meeetings - Verwood RUFC Representations

1. Club Concerns:

1.1 Lack of players. We struggle to recruit and retain new players, whether young or older players looking to step down a level. This is very worrying for a new Club trying to establish itself. We feel that the larger Club's in the area should be more supportive. There should be greater transparency. Those Clubs with  an over supply of players at the lower level should encourage them to consider playing for the more junior Clubs. Similarly, Clubs such as ourselves should encourage the younger and more able players to progress to a higher standard.

1.2 Facilities. Our home venue is Potterne Park Verwood. It is a superb setting with good playing fields. However, the changing facilities are quite appalling. We have waged a high profile campaign to improve (or more to the point establish) these. Fortunately work has just commenced on the New Pavilion and it should be complete for the start of next season.

1.3 Youth Development. Lack of man power, and also facilities has prevented us from taking this forward. We have had some involvement with local schools, but have not been able to give it the priority it deserves

2. The Club's Burning Issue. The input of players referred to in 1.1 above.

3. Mini and Youth Sections. Please see 1.3 above.

4. Development Plan. Yes the Club does have one.

5. We do consider ourselves as a "Community Club". Verwood is the largest growing village in Europe. We involve ourselves in various Community matters, e.g. Carnival, Rustic Fayre, Guy Fawkes Night etc. We want to be the typical village Rugby Club with the playing side and social side going hand in hand. We want to promote the game, and foster a good community spirit.

6 Other Comments:

We welcome the proposed re-structuring of the Leagues. Shorter travelling at our level is welcomed. However, at our level. there is a considerable disparity in standard. We are likely to now play Club's which are currently a League or two above us. This may cause us problems unless we can raise our standard. This primarily revolves around the points made in 1.1 above.

Verwood RUFC