
October 2001

To Verwood Rugby Club

Have a good season from your friends at Paignton Rugby Club. Thank You for your hospitailty when we came up in April. Judge Dave Ballinger is sorting out a tour for us to go to the Isle of Wight in April 2002, which should be good. Where are you boys going on tour this season? I see on your front page of your site the watering hole has changed. Why? is it because the beer is cheaper at the Legion.

All the best from Nick
c/o Paignton Rugby Club.

PS god is still playing 1st team again.

16th July 2001


Congratulations on your very exclusive web site, I have linked it to the Links page of the Hampshire Rugby Football Union site, and wonder if you could reciprocate.

The address is:

Many thanks,

Webmaster HRFU

16th July 2001

To all at Verwood RFC - welcome to Hampshire 3 from the Referee Society ! I have taken the liberty of adding a link for Verwood RFC's excellent site to our Hampshire Rugby Union Referees Society web site, and linked your map page to
our Travel menu item. If you feel so inclined, please could you reciprocate. We are at

On our Web Site your club members can see news about the HRURS, a history of the Society, key HRURS contacts, even read the Laws (there is always a first time !) or see our comments on new Laws or interpretations of Laws, maps for most (if not all) Hampshire clubs, links to other Hampshire Club sites (please fgeel free to "lift" them for your links page)and general Rugby web sites, the League and Cup fixtures, how to become a Club or Society Referee, Laws Quiz, even a Chat Room !

Please encourage your members to view the HRURS site's general access pages.Also we have secure access to more pages for Club Officials - the monthly Referee Appointments, Referee Contact numbers, how to confirm or cancel games with
HRURS refs, a link to the Hants Fixture Bureau, plus loads of other links and a popular Caption Competition.

Let me know if there is anything we can do for you.

Good luck for the forthcoming season


Simon Thomas
HRURS Webmaster for and on behalf of The Hampshire Referees' Society
(A Member of the Southern Referees Federation)


After looking at your impressive web site, we are most keen to add our site onto your links page.  Our URL is  We are the leading independent site for rugby news, covering all the top teams in UK rugby league and union with latest news updated daily, fixtures, league tables, plus your say.

We look forward to seeing our link appear.

Kind regards

Joanne Miller

Marketing Executive


Hello guys,

I'd like you to know that you have a beautiful site! Compliments for the pictures, especially for the bluehaired bresthaired bluebell: what a hunk! The picture I took looked a lot like her/him or is it "it"?

I hope you guys play as well as your site is. Lots of success!

Ben Brekelmans
Eindhoven Holland


I have just been looking at your Rugby website, I hope your season is going well. It is good to see all the hard work you have done result in an excellent website.

I thought you may be interested to know that Blyth Rugby Club have teamed up with to allow our visitors to play online trivia games. This costs you nothing and also doesn't cost the visitors anything, apart from a little of their time. I feel it enhances our site and the quiz is quite funny (most of the games are about sport i.e. Rugby). The good thing is that for every one who registers and plays, you (or your club) will receive 50p and they stand a chance of winning £10,000.
We have found it very successful and after the first month we have over £30, not a lot I know but it at least makes the effort worth while. Click on the link below and take a look, I am sure you will find it worthwhile.

If you would like me to place a link to your Site on our site, just let me know by return and I will add it within the next couple of days.
P.S. If you ever want a tour to our club, you are more than welcome.
We have some of the best Beer and Nightlife in the UK!

Best regards

Martin Corner (Webmaster)
Blyth Rugby Club

Visit  if you would like to see how it works for us.


Great Site!

Bob Teale
National Air Traffic Services at Bournemouth Airport


In my brief exploration of your web site.
the squad page takes an age as there are pictures of each member,  might suggest that there are thumb nail pictures and each one can be expanded if there is a particular interest in one of the squad. I loved the yodelling!
There is an obvious typo I saw Andrew Hoggins in the squad and he is far too old to be playing such a contact sport.

Map looks good, great help for visitors and the multitude of fans no doubt.
Events is a nice local touch.
Sponsorship - typo SponsEr the club, should read sponsor. If I was after info on the costs involved then it would be good to get the rates fopr each type, perhaps with the dates that the membership is valid for.
Membership - looks exaccerly like sponsorship apart from the heading.
Ian Mills - liked the photo
Robin    - Foul foreign sound emitted from my PC when I logged on to his page obviously some sort of occult figure in the Dorset white witches I wouldn't wonder.
Simon  - Interesting to see the type of person who wishes he was Welsh. He has obviously tried to endear himself to the natives. Doubtless his quizzical look is brought about by a leek he has hidden in a suitable orifice.
Exiles  - More peculiar messages here I would recommend an immediate trip to the psychiatrist for the author of this page.

What I found difficult to locate was what standard of Rugby you play. When the training nights were Location times etc.
If I was looking to join I would want to know this sort of stuff.
With all that Plaid Cymru stuff available you will get some right weirdos joining the club.

Regards to the fandambily
John Chris & the kids
New Zealand


Just stumbled across this page today. Really enjoyed Robins page. Is there a posibility that he can write more into his page. Can he also include more photo's.

The girls at work really think he is a good looker.

Gregory Stirr


Found it!!!

Its brilliant but took ages for your photo to come up and a bit dominated by Welsh stuff!  I tried to submit my team for the world cup but that did not work, ie would not send message, same with the email message.

The world cup stuff is great but unfortunately I have no pennies left to sponsor you - the players all look a bit old or is that just me !???

Newmarket UK

Verwood RUFC