Welcome to Magic Land

Who or what is "Magic"?

Magic was not born to this world in the usual way like you or I. He just appeared one day as a full blown Adult (fully clothed). Named Darren Kendall in normal Human Race circles, but to those in the know he is plain "Magic". Magic spent his early adult life in Canada having trained as a Mountie. Below is a rare photo of a young pale faced Kendall (circa late 80s) in full uniform with his trusted husky, Dazza. Magic was reknowned in the Provinces for his horsemanship, quick wit and sweet repartee. But what did he do with that hat?
Various theories exist as to his origin. The best, which is well supported in the academic and scientific world, is that he was hewn 5 miles below the ground out of solid  rock, possibly an overlooked piece (or even stolen)  from that famous factory in Wales which is renowned for producing Outside Halves. The unusual qualities of this particular piece of rock appears to be its quality of producing a player who can in fact play in any position on the Park from 1-15 as well as producing a style of play which is simply "Magic".
Magic ghosts on to the pitch despite the action
Magic in contemplative mood despite the action
Quick social call mid-match
That's good that is

Famous Magic Quotes

"Bring em on boys"
"Mrs Magic will be pleased" + "Mrs Magic will not be pleased"
"I tell you wot"
"This is why Mrs Magic doesn't let me out more often"
" Don't try and be funny with me"
"Who would have thought it ay, Wayne reading"
"Funny that"
"I don't believe he just did that"
"I just snotted him"
"You little beauty"
"I don't know about you boys but I hate these ***kers"
"She's a real 12 pinter that one"
"Time to open up a can of whopass"
"Searching for the elusive golden squirrel"
"Every tackle is a gold medal tackle"
"That's good that is"
I put on shorts, a tee shirt, sunglasses and surfed the net"
"He's been properly boshed"
Magic just short of the line v Egham
I don't know about you boys.................

The Magic Experience
Funny that
Bring it on
Magic on the hoof - January 2003 v Southampton Vets
Man of the Match -December 2004 v Bournemouth Lions

Double Take

Magic bears a remarkable resemblance in this picture to Keith Wood the former British Lion and Irish International. Or, as some of the conspiracy theorists in the Club believe, he actually turned out for Harlequins that day and may have also played in the odd Test or two.
See  Double Takes

 Verwood RUFC