For once, the RFU came up with an initiative tol help the Club fund raise.

The RFU Grand Raffle enabled the Club to raise over £500. Thanks to all of you who bought or sold tickets. Below is the link to the list of prize winners:

Grand Draw Prize Winners

From the RFU
To Secretaries/Fundraisers of Clubs participating in the Draw

Dear Colleague,

May I take this opportunity to thank you and your Club for participating in this, the first Rugby Football Union Draw Society Grand Draw.  We are delighted with its success and I am sure you will be pleased to learn that over 440 clubs took part, generating over £162,000 in ticket sales of which 75% - in excess of £120,000 is with you, the Clubs.

Top of the list of clubs raising the most money was Bracknell RFC in Berkshire whose tremendous £4,645 wins them the first prize of a Hospitality Package for 2 to England v Italy 2005.  They narrowly beat Harrow RFC (Middlesex) into second place, their £4,560 earning them a set of Club shirts.  The third prize – 5 Gilbert balls – goes to Rugby St. Andrews RFC (Warwickshire) with £2,370.

In total, 43 clubs raised over £1,000 and it just goes to show what a superb fund-raising scheme this is and what can be achieved; even by smaller clubs like Rugby St Andrews, a community club playing in Warwickshire League 1.  To all these clubs go congratulations!

“First out of the hat” in the Draw for Clubs selling £100 of tickets or more and returning on time, was Amersham & Chiltern RFC (Buckinghamshire) which has won them, too, a Hospitality Package for 2 to England v Italy 2005.  The second prize of a set of Post Protectors goes to Rochford Hundred RFC in Essex and the third prize – 5 Gilbert balls – was won by Anstey RFC in Leicestershire.

The full list of individual prize winners in the main Grand Draw is listed here together with the name of the selling club.  If yours is amongst them congratulations!

It is anticipated that we will run Grand Draw 2004-5 and I urge every member club to take part in this superb scheme. Clubs will automatically receive their Starter Kit, which will be sent to the Hon. Secretary (who appears in the Club Pages of the RFU website – during early October 2004.

Finally, I must thank our prize donors for their generous contributions.

Kind Regards

Simon Winman
Promoter & Secretary, RFU Draw Society

Verwood RUFC