Verwood RUFC Match Reports 1999/2000

Alas, Match reports of any merit are few and far between!!

Oakmedians 5 Verwood 5
 18th September 1999

This was a very encouraging start to the season. Verwood were unlucky to go home with a victory, having lead 5-0 until the final seconds of the game.

The very wet conditions were not conducive to running rugby. Tactically, Oaks were more astute in kicking their possession and pinning Verwood in their 22. Gareth Phillips at fly-half had an outstanding game for Oaks, and excelled in this facet of his game.

Despite playing against a much heavier pack, Verwood competed well and were the better side in the Rucks and Mauls. Verwood's ball retention was particularly impressive in these phases of the game.

Verwood scored their try shortly before half-time. Following a lineout close to Oaks line, scrum-half Martin Hillier showed great strength to force his way over the line. Phil Emery narrowly missed the conversion.

Oaks rallied in the last ten minutes of the game. Following a ruck on the Verwood's 22, the ball was shipped wide to see substitute centre Andy Palmer score in the right hand corner.

Verwood 28 Fordingbridge 3
19th February 2000

It is not that often that any rugby aficionado can say that a game of rugby epitomised the ethos of the occasion. Whilst England and France prepared for their colossus, Verwood played Fordingbridge. An early kick off was arranged so as not to miss the best in the Land.

This was a game played in good spirit, with open running rugby from the outset. Verwood scored from the Fordingbridge kick off. The ball was zipped across to line with full back Nick Rundle running 45 metres to score under the posts.

Notwithstanding this early score Fordingbridge battled bravely on. Debutantes Robin Peirce and Ken Banks playing their first game for the light blues excelled in the loose. After 20 minutes, Verwood scored their second. A quickly taken penalty saw Number 8 Phil Emery Run in from 20 metres brushing off  a couple of despairing tackles.

Verwood's third try came late in the first half. A rolling maul saw the ball fed right and after passing through a couple of pair of hands, second row Simon Banks ran in unopposed.

Fordingbridge scored a consolation penalty before the break.

21-3 at half-time.

The second-half was a ding-dong affair. Verwood were pinned down for long periods in their 22. However, Fordingbridge did not look like scoring, despite Rob Shepherd's disallowed try, having been deemed to have "shuffled" in the tackle. Encouragingly, youngsters Bernie Francis and Brian Fuller impressed for Fordingbridge in all phases of the game.

Verwood produced the crescendo. Ten minutes from the end, a maul on the Forgingbridge line saw the ball moved quickly wide with outside centre Tim Wynn breaking two tackles to score under the posts.

13 points to Phil Emery, with one try and four conversions.

Verwood 0 Hungerford 32
11th March 2000

Hungerford ventured south, endeavouring to maintain their 100% record.

Verwood had other ideas of the visitors' perfect league record and certainly had the better of the early exchanges, and enjoyed the territorial advantage. However, Verwood were not able to convert any of the early pressure in to points, with Phil Emery missing a long range attempt a goal.

The visitors first try came twenty minutes into the game. Following a rolling maul set up in Verwood's 22  mobile loose-forward Liddiard  broke away to cross over wide out. Verwood continued to take the game to Hungerford. Strong midfield tackling from both Shane Verrion, and "Hunter" Nick Carlyon unsettled the normally good handling of the Hungerford backs resulting in a number of unforced errors.

 The visitors second try resulted through some strong running by Dornan released the elusive Chapman to break through some weak tackling to score in the corner. Keane was in fine kicking form and added the conversion to his two earlier penalties.

18-0 at half-time

After the break, Hungerford tried to move the ball wide at every opportunity. The Verwood defence was pretty well organised, and managed to break down most incursions. However, some running by youngster Lowarth set up winger Liddiard for his second try. Verwood, were not to be left struggling and replied with fierce forward exchanges.

Hungerford were working the line-out well through Bolton and Gale. This set up Keane to quickly release the elusive Massey. The strong-running fly half linked well with Lowe and Dornan to put Chapman away for a mazy run to the line for his second score. Captain Keane  added the conversion to take his points tally to 12.

Poole 10 Verwood 5
25th March 2000

This was the last League game of the Season, and both Clubs had much to play for so as to avoid the bottom placing.

Poole elected to play with the stiff breeze and the sun on their backs. Verwood kicked off with 13 players on the field due to the late arrival of two players. They successfully held Poole during the first early exchanges and took full advantage of a series of penalties for infringements at ruck and maul to secure good field positions. At full strength after ten minutes, Verwood and Poole became locked in an intense forward confrontation. Poole put together a series of drives up field following a succession of rucks with back row forwards, Lee Bush and Phil Jones making good yardage. From one of these, Poole were able to move the ball to the left side to see Mark Beakhouse score in the corner. Lee Bush missed the conversion.

Verwood’s Phil Emery missed two long range penalty kicks. However, it was the second of these that resulted in Verwood’s try. Poole’s Robin Parry attempted to run the ball out of Poole’s 22. Verwood regained possession from the ensuing maul. Tim Bailey combined with outside-half Andy Hoggins who threw an outrageous dummy and cut inside to score to the right of the posts. Phil Emery missed the conversion.

5-5 at half time.

Poole started the second half stronger with powerful forward charges. The back row combination of  Lee Bush, Phil Jones, Adam Hudson surged up the park all afternoon. Verwood had the better of the scrums though pushing Poole off the ball on a number of occasions. Props Ian Mackrell and Rob Ford proved to be a particularly effective combination.

Verwood’s Andy Hoggins was able to make use of the wind to put in a couple of searching touch-line kicks to relieve the pressure. One led to Verwood having a golden opportunity to go three points ahead after 15 mins, after being awarded a penalty in Poole’s 22 in front of the posts. Martin Hillier elected to run but failed to kick the ball out of hand.

Poole, however, made far better use of the quickly taken penalty. Scrum half Craig Loversidge-Jenkin made effective use of this tactic which ultimately lead to Poole’s second try. His initial incursion was fed through to Adam Hudson and the lanky, long striding flanker had the guile to break through three tackles to score in the left hand corner.

 Verwood RUFC