Our Man in Oz
Simon Banks Down Under

Follow Simon's daily reports as he followed England down under in their bid to win the Rugby World Cup which kicked off on 10 October 2003 and ran for 44 days around Australia.
See also  Simon's page and  World Cup 2003
Complete World Cup round up at  www.ITV.com/RWC
Sydney Webcam

Simon's World Cup Itinerary

Simon didn't tell us before he left!! So we had to keep guessing

Simon's Video

 Bush Tucker 25th October  Semi-Final Anthem 16th November

Simon's Pictures

Simon's last game before leaving for Oz

The Man from the Fugitive?

Day 4 (Ken J). But where's Simon & John Inverdale?

England v South Africa

Simon's Diary

Day 1 Wednesday 15th October

Hi all what a start! Left Verwood Sports Club at 8.15 am travel free to airport. 2 hours to check in at terminal 4, flight was painless apart from diversion to Kuala Lupa due to inclemental weather, arrived in Perth 1 hr late. Total flight time 26hrs. At airport all ok apart from Simon's case it had n't left London," Boyde got strip searched " much to his pleasure. Got to Sheraton Hotel Perth to find we have to share it with the England Team, what luck. Met John Inverdale last night what a nice chap. Returned to the bar at about 9 last night only to meet Clive Woodward who confirmed that the Team would try their best on Saturday -  he didn't accept a pint. We then went to Casino lost about $30 but was fun. Now 9am all up for fun filled day. Will be watching Samoa v Uruguay will update later

Day 2 Thursday 16th October

Giday. All Things are hotting up here. My case was found, but my laptop was damaged and has been taken in for repair. We had a good day yesterday. We are staying in the same hotel as the England Team. We have met them all. Martin is larger then life and a nice block to talk to. Clive Woodward is a lovely man but there we are. The whole team is so focused and are sure of themselves it's great. They are training at the local school between 10 and 4 but we have been catching up with them over coffee at about 5 each day. We went to see the Samoa game last night which was alright but a bit slow. There are a lot of us poms. Went for a curry afterwards, nothing to write home about, had 2-3 shandies. After that, an early night. Today it has been about 75 degrees  & have enjoyed the sun. We are going on a river trip in morning to the vineyards so it will be good to watch Ken swagger again. Will update again in morning. See all you winging poms soon

Day 3 Friday 17th October

No report from Simon today

Day 4 Saturday 18th October

Well into day 4 and its here, the big game England v South Africa. There is a lot of excitement for poms and Sas alike. They seem to think they have it in a bag, so lets hope we see a lot of their sorry faces tonight. I am sat here typing this and John Inverdale is sat next to me sending back his report (see Pic) Well yesterday was fun packed. We went up the Swan River by boat to the vineyards, Red wine at 10 am set the precedent for the day. Last night was a hoot. Lots of friendly banter with the SA contingent. Ken seems to be the only one that can upset them. Boyde and myself managed to keep going until the early hours whereas Ken fell asleep about 5pm & slept until 1am then was rearing to go. Well that's all for today will let you know how it all went later. Off to the match

Day 6 Sunday 18th October

Hi all. Sorry I have been a bit slow with the reports but it has been a bit hectic here.
Saturday - What a day! It started for me being in a lift with Simpson and Robinson. I asked what they were doing for the day. "No training today just chilling out building up strenth for a big night ahead" " Very confident ". We all made our way to town at about 11am where we were met by a city of white and red. It was like being at Twickenham, with a scatering of green. Had a few shandies with all the supporters, a friendly bit of banter with the brocks then made our way to the game and what a game it was. The atmosphere was unbeliveable. Afterwards we made our way back to the hotel to welcome the returning heroes. (video clip to follow). Later the guys game down to the bar for a beer or two and we had a chat with Johnson and Back.

Victor and me - he likes a beer

Boyde - is it really that big?

Sunday -  After a long night we all slept untill about 12. Then it was up for brecky we had missed. The players, they left for melbourne at about 10am. The day was spent quietly watching the other games on TV. Met The Cop from the fugative see pic
Later met Victor Ubugu.  See pic. He is a lot shorter then you would think. He likes a beer.Then it was off to the Somoa match, When we arrived there were a let of people out side queuing for tickets. A group confronted us and asked if we would like to buy corperate seats with free beer and food, and then a free bar after all for $25 each so we accepted. We sold our original tickets for face value and tried our luck. Box 22 just to the right of the half way "Bundiburg brewery wolkomes you"
What a view, the beers were flowing and quite an excitng game to watch. We were asked which pub we owned, But told them we had been invited as we were looking to inport Bundiburg into the UK where Boyde Owns a string of clubs all across the south coast. They loved us, couldn't do enough. After the match we were taken by Limo to a hotel were there was unlimited
free budiburg and all you could eat. Unfortunatly we could only stay for a couple so we said our goodbyes and returned to the hotel for a another shandy and all called it a night ( Ken and Boyde had to get up at 5.30 for travel to NZ).
Thats about all the news for the moment. Except I forgot to tell you we saw 3 birds on the boat trip A Pelican, Sag and a Duck say it fast and it tickled us. The aussies however, don't understand why we were laughing at the guide. Bunbiburg is a pre mixed Rum and Coke that they barrel and sell in pints (Space Shuttle fuel) that gives you a bad head.

Oh Well done for Fridays game. Can't believe Daz scored his first ever try well done (Hope he went on the chair).

Day 7 Monday 19th October

Hi All. Things are going well. I had a bit of a break from the rugby today to look at the place. Went to the Sea Life Center and then the beach weather was about 25 nice and warm. Have booked up to go diving on Thursday at Rocmes Island and to swim with the sharks on Friday in the tank at the Sea Life center so lets hope they are well fed and don't take a shine to me. Off for a pint at an English Pub after Lunch to watch the Canada v Italy game so will report in in morning.
Sorry I can't send any video at present. I'm having problems with the PC. I will save them all up and send from an internet cafe later in the week.
Giday Simon

Day 10 Thursday 23rd October

Hi all Well its now Thursday at 5 pm so you are all just going to work. It has been quite quiet the last couple of days. I have just been catching up with family etc, seen a bit of the bush and met a couple of Kangaroos in a Park. I went diving today. I was a bit scared about that as there has been a great white shark spotted at coteslow beach (about 10 miles down). I have been assured it would n't travel this far up, its too far (well how the f*** did it get where it is if it doesnt travel very far).
I am off to the local pub now to watch the Fiji game which  could be entertaining. Can't wait to get back into the action after the weekend. Will write again on Friday, This is mork signing off nanoo nanoo

Day 14 Monday 27th October

Giday All.Sorry I have n't sent any news for a few days, I have been spending time with family etc. (Congrats on the win at the weekend. Did n't see Darren mentioned. It must have been a one off lucky try Ha Ha ) Sorry Daz.

Watched the game last night at the local pub with about 10 other poms, all on the edge of our seats. It was nearly an early shower, but we came through. The Aussie papers today are all saying that we are over now and blown out. They are even trying to get points deducted for fielding an extra man at some point in the game. (and they call us winging poms).

Well, went Diving with the sharks What an experience. I have video footage and will send it all after Tuesday. Here are 2 stills before and after getting into the water. The water changed colour shortly after.

Is that a shark in the bottom right corner?

Shark Man Simon
Went out into the bush on Saturday with my cousin Craig. Looked everywhere and found it the bush! and hereIi am standing next to it. Tried some bush tucker a big fat wiggity grub. Yuck it tasts like shit but you can live on it. We tried our hand at yabbie fishing in the billabong. Caught a few and feasted on them (good tucker).

Juicy Bush Tucker

Simon finds the bush
The Australian way of life is very laid back they don't care who wins the World Cup if they are not in the Final (Oh, except for the South Africans - they would hate for them to win). There are about 25,000 of then with residence in Perth.

Any way I am about to pack kit bag as I am flying easterly  in the morning to catch up with Ken and Boyde who have been in NZ. I will send next update from Queensland.

See you all soon

Nanoo Nanoo

Hi All Sorry i have been slow with news but hear goes

Day 15 Tuesday 28th October
I left Perth, said good bye to family and flew to Sydney where I met up with Boyde and Ken. We all got connecting flight to Cairns to see the barrier reef. A very long day travelling. We arrived at hotel at 11 in evening, all shattered. Had 1 beer and early night.

Day 16 Wednesday 29th October
A lovely hotel with pool and pool side bar. We all spend day relaxing and taking some rays and the obligatory couple of shandies. We went out around the town in evening. Fairly quite time planned the following day.

Day 17 Thursday 30th October
Boat trip to Great Barrier Reef. Very early start at the port for 7.30. A fantastic fast cat to take us out to reef. Stopped at 2 different sites. I had 2 dives at each. Absolutely fantastic.

Double take - Which one is Simon?
The visibility was about 25 metres. Saw rays, morays, puffer fish and even found Nemo. I have pics will I will send next time. Ken and Boyde both had a go at snorkelling the reef. Boyde went on helicopter ride to see reef from air ( have pics). Returned to Cairs after a very long day. Had the usual couple of shandies and
crashed out

No report where this is? Simi on walkabout?

Is that Jenny Agutter far right? See Walkabout
Day 20 Sunday 2nd November
We went walk about around the city with about 25K other white shirts before the Uruguay game. The atmosphere was fantastic at the game. There was a sea of white with the flicker of light blue It was a training game but very enjoyable. Left the ground and returned to the Aussie pub to watch NZ v Wales. What a game. The only time in my life I have supported the men in Red.
But it was not to be, which is a good thing cos we would have to  play them in the Quarter Final next Sunday. The consolation is that the Welsh will not have anything left for next week.
Day 21 Monday 3rd November
Spent the day on the river looking at the sites of Brisi. It is a new city and is growing fast.

Day 22 Tuesday 4th November
Melbourne Cup Day. The whole of Australia stops for the race. The city was full of drunks with the day off work.

Day 23 Wednesday 5th November
Spent the day touring around Brisberne, Found a man made beach on the river complete with life guard and beach huts. We had a few beers and got our feet wet. Met up with some other fans and drunk the night away

Day 24 Thursday 6th November
Not a lot to say about today. We spent it lazely by the pool, oh had a couple of shandies.

Day 25 Friday 7th November
We collected the hire car for the big drive down to Sydney. We drove it up to the Sunshine Coast to have a look. What a lovely place (see pics).
We went for a bit of body surfing in about 6 foot waves. Stopped at a pub on the way back. Most pubs on a Friday afternoon have a free barbi, so we indulged. We blew the throth off a couple of beers then returned to the big city.

Day 26 Saturday 8th November
Another move. All the hotels in town double in price at the weekend because of the games so we moved to a hotel at Surfers Paridise on the gold coast. The place just gets better and better. We checked out the waves and the views, then went for a night on the town. Boyde and myself ended up in the biggest casino you have ever seen in your life. There was a free mono rail there from our hotel. Boyde did well and won a couple of dollars, whereas as I lost the usual 30 dollars! But what a night!!

Day 27 Sunday 9th November
Boyde and Simon went deep sea fishing We had to get up at 5am but managed it despite massive hangovers. We did well and caught a few fish but the prize of the day was this big tuna caught by Boyde.
We could have taken the fish to a local restaurant where they would cook it for us but passed on that option as we had seen enough fish for one day.We went back to the hotel to get ready for the big game. We caught the train with about 500 other English supporters and 3 Welsh. Well, did they get some stick!! What a game the whole ground was coved with a sea of white and red.
I don't have to detail the game as I am sure you watched it. At half time we thought that we we were coming home but good old Jonny pulled through and we lived to fight another day. All the Welsh were moaning after about 3 tries to 1 or something and how they should have won. Aparently its not a game if you just kick (But didn't the Welsh win a lot of games because of Jenkins kicking ability at one time?) Returned to the hotel at surfers for much merriment and drinking.

Day 28 Monday 10th November
Chilled out for the day at Surfers

Day 29 Tuesday 11th November
The big drive starts. Boyde to drive first. He drove for about 400Km to a place called Coffs harbour (Where Russel Crow beats everyone up in bars) I looked for him. Apparently he is in the UK for a film premier. Spent the night at the big windmill hotel. This is owned by a dutch couple and the working windmill has been turned into a lovely 5 star restaurant renouned on the east coast.

Day 30 Wednesday 12th November
Up early for next leg. My turn to drive. We were heading for a place called Pokilbin in the Hunter Valley. Boyde had added this stop over in. What a suprise it is a Wine valley! Spent the night in an appartment linked to a country club where the rich and famous stay. Met and drunk with Budge Rodgers and Dave Duckham.

Day 31Thursday 13th November
Up early to push on. I was driving but took Boyde and Ken on a wine tasting tour. We stopped at 10 vineyards. They had at least 2 free glsses at each. Boyde was in heaven -  pissed for free! We stopped for lunch near by, then pushed on to Sydney. After about another 400 Km, we arrived at Coogee beach at about 6.30, which is just near Bondi Beach.

Day 32 Friday 14th November
 Our first trip to Sydney City and what a city it is. Found the Barmy Army at Pier 26 Darling Harbour. We stayed there for a few and bumped into my old mate Victor.

My Mate Victor

Sydney Opera House at night
That evening we went for a boat trip of the harbour to see the lights of the opera house and bridge.

Day 33 Saturday 15th November
Much as day before.We spent the day with thousands of other poms at Pier 26 giving the French support lots of stick. Bumpt into some guys from Bournemouth. We went to the Australia v New Zealand game in the evening. What a turn arround from the ozzies.The big problem now is that David Campasie will be talking even more dribble in the papers tomorrow.

Day 34 Sunday 16th November
The big day is here again. The Semi-Final verses France. Had to move hotels again first. This time it was nearer the action at the Darling Harbour hotel near to Pier 26. We went down there at about 3 pm had some lunch and then started on the grog. The air was buzzing. There were white shirts everywhere. There were 10' tall Johnsons and people dressed as the Queen. The whole town was ready for the game. We met some blokes we had met up with in Perth 4 weeks earlier. Off then to the game. This was the one that counts. About one hour before kick off the heavens opened which was the weather we needed. Good old Jonny did it again for us.

Day 35 Monday 17th November
All the papers are full of Campo and Eales saying that drop goals should only be worth 1 point (didn't the Aussies win the last World Cup by a drop goal? Weren't we knocked out by a drop goal from the South Africans?). The rest of the papers were full of the England team being Dads Army and if we didn't have Jonny we would have been home a long time earlier. I can't think that the  aussies believe the rubbish in the papers. Alas, its now time for me to return home as I have stayed longer than expected. It is tempting to stay another week to see the Final but my bags are packed.

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