Verwood RUFC
Touch Rugby
Abridged Rules

1. General

1.1 The “usual” Rugby rules apply as to the knock-on; forward pass; off-side; obstruction;

1.2 The field of play will measure 70 metres in length and 50 metres in width, or such smaller size
pitch as is determined by Verwood RUFC (“The Club”)

1.3 All partcipating players are to be correctly attired in team kit approved by the Club. Kit
consists of upper apparel, shorts (or briefs for female players) and socks with footwear.

1.4 Players are not to participate in any match while wearing any item of jewellery which might
prove dangerous. Long or sharp fingernails are to be trimmed or taped.

2. Play, Duration and Scoring

2.1 The object of the game of Touch is for each team to score touchdowns and to prevent the
opposition from scoring.

2.2  The ball may be passed, knocked or handed between onside players of the attacking team who
may in turn run or otherwise move with the ball in an attempt to gain territorial advantage and
score. Defending players prevent the attacking team from gaining a territorial advantage by
touching the ball carrier. Either defending or attacking players may initiate touches upon which,
play stops and is restated with a Rollball, unless other rules apply.

2.3  The match is forty five (45) minutes duration, consisting of two (2) twenty (20) minute halves.
There is a five (5) minute halftime break. The duration may only be extended for exceptional

2.4 When time expires, play is to continue until the ball next becomes dead. Should a penalty be
awarded during this period, the penalty is to be taken.

2.5 A touchdown is awarded when a player (without being touched) places the ball on the ground
on or over the team's attacking scoreline and within the boundaries of the Touchdown Zone. A
touchdown is worth one (1) point.

2.6 The team who at the end of play has scored the most touchdowns is declared the winner. In the
event of neither team scoring, or in the event of both teams scoring the same number of
touchdowns, a draw is declared.

2.7 Points are awarded in competition matches as follows:

   WIN  -   3 POINTS
   LOSS  -   1 POINT

2.8 The following procedure will be utilised to establish a single winner:-

2.8.1 When the match is drawn at the expiration of full time, the referee will wait until the ball is
dead, halt play, then signal to each team to reduce their playing strength by one player. Teams do
not have a break or leave the field instead they immediately take up a position as for the restart of
play, and  continue to play in the same direction.

2.8.2  As soon as each team removes a player, the game continues with a tap from the centre of the
halfway line by the team who won the toss at the commencement of the game. Substitutions of
players is permitted at any time as per the normal interchange rules.

2.8.3 The match will then be decided by the first team scoring 3 points.

3. Team Composition and Substitution

3.1 A Team consists of ten (10) players, no more than six (6) of whom are allowed on the field at
any time, one of whom must be female.

3.2 Players may substitute at any time. There is no limit to the number of times players may

4. Commencement and Recommencement of Play

4.1 Team captains are to toss the coin in the presence of the referee with the winning captain’s
team receiving possession for the commencement of the first half and the choice of direction for
the first half.

4.2 The attacking team is to start the match with a tap at the centre of the halfway line following
the indication to commence play from the referee. All players of the attacking team are to remain in
an onside position until the ball has been tapped.

4.3  The tap is taken by placing the ball on the ground at or behind the mark, releasing both hands
from the ball, tapping the ball with either foot a distance of not more than one (1) metre, and
retrieving the ball cleanly. Any player of the attacking team may take the tap. Any onside player of
the attacking team may retrieve the ball once the tap has been taken.

4.4  All players of the defending team are required to retire a distance of not less then five (5)
metres from the mark for the tap. Defending players may move forward of their positions once the
ball has been tapped with the foot.

4.5 For the recommencement of play following a half- time break, teams shall change directions
and the team losing the toss is to start the match with a tap as described above. For the
recommencement of play following the scoring of a touchdown, the team against which the score
was made is to recommence play as described above.

4.6  The ball cannot be kicked or played with the foot except when taking a tap or a Rollball. The
half may use the foot to control the ball.

5. Possession

5.1 Providing other Rules do not apply, the team with the ball is entitled to six (6) touches prior to
changing possession with the opposing team.

5.2 Following the sixth touch or the loss of possession due to any other means, players of the team
losing possession are to hand, or pass the ball to the nearest opposition player, or place the ball on
the ground at the mark without delay. Attacking players who request the ball are to be given the
ball. Players are not to delay the changeover procedure.

5.3 If the ball is dropped to the ground a change of possession results. The mark for a change of
possession is where the ball first pitches or where the attacking player dropped or passed the ball,
whichever is of greater advantage to the team gaining possession.

5.4  If a player mishandles the ball and providing the ball does not go to ground, play is to

5.5 Intercepts by onside defending players are allowed. Following an intercept, play continues until
the first touch is effected, a touchdown is scored, or a stoppage occurs as a result of other actions.

6. The Rollball

6.1 A player is to perform a Rollball under the following circumstances:

  (a)  when a touch has been effected;
  (b)  when possession changes due to the sixth touch;
  (c)  when possession changes due to the ball going to ground;
  (d) when possession changes due to an infringement by an attacking player at a
        penalty or a tap;
  (e)  When possession changes when the half is touched (or places the ball on or
         over the scoreline) whilst in possession of the ball;
  (f)  When possession changes due to a player in possession of the ball running
        across the sideline, or
  (g)  when so directed by the referee.

6.2 The attacking player is to position on the mark, face the opponent's (defending) scoreline,
stand parallel to the sidelines, and roll the ball backwards along the ground between the feet a
distance of not  more than one (1) metre. Once the ball is placed on the mark, the attacking player
may step over the ball.

6.3 Any other player of the attacking team may receive the ball from the Rollball and thus become
the half. The half may pass or run with the ball. However, if touched, loses possession.

6.4 The half is not to delay picking up or gathering the ball. The player who performs the Rollball
is not permitted to obstruct or otherwise prevent the defending team from gaining possession or
effecting a touch on the half.

6.5 All Players of the defending team are to retire a distance of not less than five (5) metres from
the mark for a Rollball. Players of the defending team are not permitted to move forward of the
five (5) metre position until the half has made contact with the ball.

6.6 When the player in possession is required to Rollball without a half in position, players of the
defending team may move forward of the five (5) metre positions as soon as the ball leaves the
hand/s of the player in possession. Should a defending player gain possession, the match is
recommenced with a Rollball at the same mark.

7. The Touch

7.1 A Touch is contact on any part of the body between a player in possession of the ball and a
defending player. A touch includes contact on the ball, hair or clothing and may be made by a
defending player or by the player in possession.

7.2  Players of both defending and attacking teams are to use the minimum force necessary to
effect touches.

7.3 If the ball is knocked from the hands of a player in possession during a touch, the touch counts
and the player retains possession, and they are required to perform the Rollball. The touch count
continues, unless it is the sixth (6th) touch.

7.4  After a touch has been effected, the player in possession is required to stop, return to the mark
where the touch occurred if the mark has been over-run, and perform a Rollball without delay.

7.5 A player is not to pass or otherwise deliver the ball after a touch has been effected.

7.6 A player must not claim or otherwise call for a touch unless a touch has actually been effected.

7.7  The mark for the Rollball is dependent on the position of the player in possession at the time
of the touch.

7.8 Following a touch, the ball is deemed to be dead and is brought into play at the Rollball when
the half touches the ball or, if there is no half in position, when the ball leaves the hands of the
attacking player performing the Rollball. Defending players are not to interfere with the player in
possession or otherwise prevent the immediate Rollball, after a touch is made.

7.9 On the rare occasion a player places the ball on the ground on or over the scoreline at the same
time a touch is effected, the touch counts and a touchdown is not awarded.

8. Ball on or over Sideline/Scoreline

8.1 The ball becomes dead when it or a player in possession touches or crosses the sideline and a
change of possession results. However if a player in possession is touched prior to crossing the
sideline, then the touch counts and play continues with a Rollball at the mark where the touch

8.2 If a player in possession of the ball is touched after crossing the attacking scoreline and prior to
the scoring of a touchdown, the touch counts. Play is restarted with a Rollball five (5) metres
infield from where the player in possession crossed the scoreline.

8.3 If a player in possession of the ball is touched whilst on or behind their defending scoreline, the
touch counts and play is restarted with a Rollball five (5) metres infield from where the player in
possession was touched.

8.4 An attacking team is not required to Rollball within five (5) metres of the defending scoreline.
After each touch the player in possession may move forward to the five (5) metre broken line to

8.5  When a touch is effected within five (5) metres of the attacking scoreline, a player in
possession may move directly behind the mark a distance of up to five (5) metres to the broken line
to restart play with a Rollball.

8.6 When defending players are required to defend further than five (5) metres from their defending
scoreline, they must move forward beyond the five (5) metre broken line and continue to move
forward in an attempt to effect a touch on the player in possession.

9.  Ball Touched in Flight

9.1 If the ball goes to ground following a defender's attempt to gain possession, the attacking team
retains the ball and the touch count restarts. This also applies if the defending player deliberately
knocks the ball to the ground. The mark where the Rollball occurs is where the ball first pitches or
where the defender touched the ball, whichever is of best advantage to the attacking team.

9.2 If a defending player touches the ball in flight and the ball is retrieved by an attacking player,
play continues and the touch count restarts at the next touch.

9.3 If an attacking player attempts to gather the ball after a deflection by a defender and the ball
goes to ground, the attacking team retains possession and the touch count restarts.

9.4 If the ball rebounds from a defending player who has not made an attempt to retrieve the ball
and the ball goes to ground, a change of possession results and the play restarts with a Rollball
where the ball first pitches or where the ball rebounded from the defender, whichever is of best
advantage to the team gaining possession.

9.5 If the ball rebounds from a defending player who has not made an attempt to retrieve the ball
and the ball is regained by an attacking player, play on and the touch count continues.


10.1 Players who infringe the Rules of Touch are liable to penalty or other appropriate action
according to the seriousness of the infringement. Penalties are to be awarded in accordance with
applicable rules.
10.2 A Player who continually breaches the playing rules is liable for dismissal. Team captains are
responsible for the conduct of players in their respective teams and should be aware that
undisciplined players are disruptive to the spirit of the game.

10.3 Any player may be dismissed as follows:

10.3.1 A player dismissed for repeated infringements or any offence requiring more than a penalty
is to move from the field of play and remain in a position midway along the team's attacking
scoreline and no closer than five (5) metres to the scoreline. The dismissed player cannot be

10.3.2. A player dismissed after any previous `Period of Time’ dismissal, or for an offence such as
gross misconduct or a dangerous act is to take no further part in that match and is to move  to and
remain not closer then ten (10) metres from the scoreline. The dismissed player cannot be replaced
and that player shall receive an automatic two (2) match suspension and may incur further penalty
as deemed necessary by the federation of International Touch Judiciary Committee.

10.4  Any player who is found guilty of striking and/or assaulting an official, referee or line judge is
liable to disqualification from playing the game of Touch for life.

10.5 Players guilty of misconduct will be penalised and could be excluded from the match.
Misconduct includes:
 * continual breaches of the rules;
 * swearing;
 * backchatting referees or other match officials;
 * bad sporting behaviour;
 * fighting;
 * using physical force in making a touch;
 * attacking the head of an opponent;
 * tripping;
 * any other action which is not in the spirit of the game.

 Verwood RUFC