Verwood RUFC Match Reports 2001/2

The Nick Carlyon Memorial Match
Verwood Past 41 Verwood Present 22
27th April 2002

This last game of the season was a fitting tribute to the late Nick Carlyon who died last year. He was a young man and a friend to all at Verwood RUFC. As a founder member of our Club, he played in the front row and later in the backs at centre. His happy and generous disposition was always apparent.

Verwood Present opened the scoring after 10 minutes. From a lineout 10 metres out, Number 8 Nigel Brunning secured the ball and broke two tackles to score. The Past responded almost immediately. Good ruck ball saw Number 8 George Leyland drive over from 15 metres out. Leyland added the conversion.

Soon after, youngster Charlie Cockram (the Past’s invited guest player), showed great pace to finish off a sweeping backline movement to score under the posts.Leyland converted and shortly after added a penalty. Then, just before the break, the Past’s outside centre Dave Stephens scored after some good inter-passing between backs and forwards alike.

22-5 at half-time.

In the second half, the Present bounced back with a well worked try after running the ball out of their 22. Making full use of a two man overlap on the left, centre Mark Ramsey was well tackled short of the line by Stephens but Ross Wilkinson gathered an inside pass to score under the posts. Gary Maidment added the conversion. The Present crossed the line again through Andy Coe who having been tackled short by Richard Caddy managed to stretch out and score.

In the last quarter, Leyland got his hatrick with two further tries. The last of these resulted from a quick tap penalty on half way. He showed great strength and pace to score in the right hand corner despite full back Dave Hockaday’s dispairing tackle. The biggest roar of the day was for 53 year old club stalwart & hooker Robin Peirce who added the conversion from close to the touchline.

In the dying minutes, the Present’s scrum half Gary Maidment broke blind from the scrummage and jinked in unopposed. The Past’s Dan Johnson rounded off the afternoon’s entertainment by finishing off breaks by Leyland & Jason Lamb to score under the posts. Leyland added the conversion.

All money’s raised from the game will be passed to the Wooden Spoon Society, a rugby charity which helps under privileged children.

Verwood Past: George Leyland (3); Charlie Cockram ; Dave Stephens; Dan Johnson;
Penalty - George Leyland
Conversions: George Leyland (3); Robin Peirce (1).
Verwood Present: Nigel Brunning; Ross Wilkinson; Andy Coe; Gary Maidment
Conversion -  Gary Maidment

Verwood 26 Stoneham Park 22
6th April 2002

This result, being the last League game of the season, was a tribute to the considerable effort made by the players and coaching team at Verwood RUFC to pull off a well deserved victory over the Southampton side. Darren Clarbull (seen below), playing his last game as Captain for Verwood after two seasons, was simply “over the moon”.

Stoneham won the toss and elected to play against the strong prevailing easterly wind. Despite the disadvantage of the elements, the visitors scored after 10 minutes. Following a good counter attack the ball was moved swiftly left for full back Tiernan Simmonds to set off on a meandering run to ultimately score under the posts. Scrum-half Andy Stride added the conversion.

Verwood scored soon after the restart. Following a lineout infringement in Stoneham’s 22, a quickly taken tap penalty saw Centre Tim Wynn crash over to score. Full back Phil Emery added the conversion. Verwood’s second followed soon after. Following a maul 10 metres out, Hooker John Hill rolled blind to force himself over the line.

Stoneham continued to take the game to Verwood. Scrum Half Andy Stride was particularly inventive with strong penetrative running with ball in hand. Stoneham’s Robbie Legge was ever present in the loose.

Verwood’s third try was yet another forward effort. Good lineout ball from Simon Banks resulted in a driving maul to see 19 stone prop forward Phil Huckle driven over for the score. Phil Emery added the conversion.

10 minutes from half time, Stoneham’s Andy Stride added a well struck penalty.

Right on half time, a turnover of possession in midfield deep in Stoneham’s half saw Stoneham's Nick Stride feed the ball again to full back Tiernan Simmonds who showed great pace to run 50 metres to score his second. Andy Stride added the conversion.

19-17 at half-time.

Stoneham started the second half stronger with the advantage of the elements. In the third quarter Stoneham managed to move the ball swiftly left and Simmonds scored his third out wide which went unconverted.

Then, 10 minutes from time, Verwood winger Dean Cox managed to collect a loose kick on half way. He rounded his opposing winger and then stretched his legs to out pace all and sundry to score in the corner. Number 8 Neil Westerman added a peach of a conversion.  The dying minutes of the game saw Stoneham pressing the Verwood line but the home side held out to secure the win.

Verwood: Tim Wynn; John Hill; Phil Huckle; Dean Cox
Conversions: Phil Emery (2); Neil Westerman (1)
Stoneham Park: Tiernan Simmons (3 Tries); Andy Stride 2 conversions & 1 penalty

Chineham 17 Verwood 6
16th March 2002

This was a particularly disappointing result for Verwood having beaten Chineham at home earlier in the season. Verwood controlled the game in the first half & dominated in the set piece. Verwood’s Simon Banks, jumping at two, was particularly effective in the lineout.

The visitors deservedly converted good territorial advantage into points and after 20 minutes led 6-0 as a result of two well struck penalties by full-back Phil Emery. Chineham's Steve Knight added a penalty just before the break.

6-3 to Verwood at half-time.

Chineham scored early into the second half. Quickly re-cycled ruck ball saw an overlap worked on the left hand side. Fly-half  Andy Bloodsworth had looped round in support. Although there was the suggested that he had put a foot in touch, Bloodsworth sprinted all of 30 metres to score. Steve Knight added the conversion. This score upset the visitors rhythm and any pattern to their play seemed to disintegrate. Even so, Verwood’s Neil Westerman, John Hill and Mike Lock excelled in the loose. Chineham’s second came half way through the second half. It was almost a carbon copy of their first when the ball was again moved left following a mid-field break. Neat inter passing saw Richard Avenell round off  a good passage of play to score. Knight added the conversion.

 Match Pictures

Chineham: Andy Bloodsworth & Richard Avenell; Steve Knight (2 Conversions & a penalty)
Verwood: Phil Emery (2 penalties).

Verwood 12 New Milton III 0
9th March 2002

This was a match to be forgotten. With no pattern to either sides play and both set of packs being abrasive and ill tempered, this game was never going to be a spectacle.

New Milton won the toss and played with the advantage of the blustery wind first half. Despite having the better territorial advantage, the visitors failed to capitalise on the advantage of the elements and the score remained 0-0 at half-time.

Verwood were expecting to run in a host of tries with the advantage of the elements but the expected rout failed to materialise. Verwood scored five minutes after the interval. As is his trademark, Tim Wynn crashed over from short range wide on the left side. The only other score came soon after. After a succession of rucks and mauls, the ball was, for once, moved swiftly along the backline to see outside centre Ross Wilkinson score. Phil Emery added the conversion.

Verwood: Tim Wynn; Ross Wilkinson
Conversion: Phil Emery

Verwood 58 Brockenhurst 17
23rd February 2002

Verwood managed to notch up their highest scoring League victory in what was a thoroughly entertaining game with a total of 13 tries scored. Playing with the strong, gusting wind, Brockenhurst scored first after 5 minutes. Good second phase possession saw the ball moved swiftly right to winger Ben Tindall who showed good pace to score in the corner. Verwood replied immediately.
From the restart, Verwood secured a lineout in Brockenhurst’s 22. An infringement at that set piece by Brockenhurst saw Verwood’s Tim Wynn quickly take the penalty and drive over to score. Like the swing of a pendulum, Brockenhurst responded with another attractive passing movement which this time saw centre Paul Fisher score in the left. Brian Hall added the conversion. 10 minutes from half-time Verwood secured clean lineout ball in Brockenhurst’s 22.Scrum half Gary Maidment broke to feed inside to the ever present Wynn running on a good angle who drove over to score. Then, following a good passing movement with forwards and backs combining well, winger Dave Hockaday gave the try scoring pass to fly-half Andy Hoggins who ran in the final score of the half.

Verwood led 19-12 at half-time.

The strong wind, now on Verwood’s backs, proved to be a considerable advantage. Wynn’s 3rd came after a series of rucks and mauls in the visitors 22 when he once again drove over from short range. Verwood’s Number 8 Neil Westerman scored following a push over try at the scrummage & Maidment managed to wriggle over shortly after from close range. The floodgates were now beginning to open. Wynn scored a carbon copy of his third; Hockaday, again in the thick of the
action, fed flanker Andy Davies out of the tackle who drove over from close quarters; Hoggins’ second found him positioned out wide in the right wing position. Emery found him with a long pass to see him score in the corner. Phil Emery rounded the Verwood try tally with a trademark mazy run to score under the posts. Brockenhurst’s quick winger Ben Tindall scored a delightful 40 metre run in at the end of the match.

On a personal note, the Verwood players were particularly pleased to see Prop Phil Huckle play well having recovered successfully from his virulent tropical illness.

More Pictures

Verwood Tim Wynn (4); Andy Hoggins (2); Neil Westerman; Andy Davies; Phil Emery; Gary
Conversions: Phil Emery (4)
Brockenhurst Ben Tindall (2); Paul Fisher;
Conversion: Brian Hall

Verwood 12 Southampton III 29
16th February 2002

Verwood seemed to be gripped by the tropical virus that struck down Prop forward Phil Huckle last week if anything is to be judged by this performance. Southampton managed to put behind them their defeat by Ellingham & Ringwood the previous Saturday by playing simple but effective football.

 More Pictures

Southampton scored two early tries through good handling in their backs and led 10-0 after 25 minutes. Verwood’s reposte followed a scrum in their 22 from which the ball was shifted wide. Outside centre Darren Kendall broke a tackle and sent a monstrous kick upfield. Winger Jon Davies gave chase and caught the ball following a favourable bounce on half way. He then outstripped his opposing winger and stepped inside the full back to score to the right of the posts.Phil Emery added the conversion. Southampton responded immediately. Following a penalty award in Verwood’s 22 the ball was transferred swiftly left for the touchdown.

17-7 half time.

Southampton scored two further tries in the second half to Verwood’s one. Verwood’s Tim Wynn once again notched up another try as he drove over the line following a quickly taken tap penalty 15 metres out.

Paxton Pumas 18 Verwood 7
9th February 2002

This was a game which Verwood might have won. Tragically, on the morning of the match, Prop forward Phil Huckle was diagnosed with a rare tropical illness and was unable to travel. Despite fielding only 14 men, Verwood almost achieved the unthinkable.

Verwood played into a stiff breeze in the first half during which Paxton added two early penalty kicks through full back Jeff Laker to take a 6 point lead. Paxton cleverly played the territorial game with fly half Richard Jones making good use of the wind and kicking long into the corners. Paxton’s scrum half Cliff Moorhouse distributed well and used the blind side cleverly. 10 minutes from half time, a scrummage in Verwood’s 22 saw the ball moved left by Paxton. The resulting overlap proved decisive as the ball was fed inside to flanker Colin Cameron who scored in the corner.

Then, a bizarre incident. Verwood’s fly half Andy Hoggins caught the missed conversion and sprinted upfield to take a quick restart. He drop kicked right with two supporting players giving chase. Paxton were on the back foot only to find the referee blow up and order a restart because he was still recording the Paxton score in his book!!

11-0 at half time.

With the strong wind behind them Verwood fancied their chances. They were competing effectively in the loose and remarkably driving Paxton in the scrum . Young Prop forward Ken Banks was particularly effective as were Verwood’s back row combination of Andy Davies, Neil Westerman and Nigel Brunning.

Paxton scored their second try against the run of play following a speculative kick ahead by Jones. With no full back, the resulting chase saw Colin Cameron pounce over for his second.

Verwood’s Neil Westerman narrowly missed a long range penalty kick equalled by Andy Hoggins’ missed drop goal attempt from closer in. Verwood’s Garry Maidment scored 15 minutes from time when he took a quick tap penalty in Paxton’s 22. One dummy and a side-step later he drove over the line to score. Phillip Emery added the conversion.

It could have been anyone’s game in the last 10 minutes but victory fell to Paxton.

Paxton Pumas: Colin Cameron (2); Penalties: Jeff Laker (2)
Verwood: Garry Maidment (1); Conversion: Phil Emery

Poole 10 Verwood 12
2nd February 2002

This was another first for Verwood - doing the double by beating Poole both home and away. Captain Darren Clarbull was delighted. “ We played 15 man rugby and tactically played things right” he was heard to say afterwards.

The weather was atrocious. Verwood elected to play into the gale and rain in the first half and played it tight. Ball retention was good at both ruck and maul. Debutante hooker Julian Scofield excelled in the loose as did Mike Wheatley and 17 year old Andy Cole had a solid game at scrum half.

Against  the run of play, Poole took the lead after 25 minutes. On Verwood’s 22, a blindside break from the scrummage by flanker Tim Larkin saw him over in the corner. Soon after the restart, Verwood had their best chance to score despite the elements. Following a scrum on Poole’s 22 fly-half Andy Hoggins dummied and broke through the Poole line and looked to feed inside to his ever present Number 8 Nigel Brunning who was unable to field a difficult try scoring pass.

5-0 to Poole at half time.

With the wind and rain behind them Verwood were confident that they could run in easy victors. This looked possible as Verwood equalised after 10 minutes. After three phases of ruck and maul, flanker Mike Lock fed 35 year old birthday boy Tim Wynn who drove over to score just left of the posts. Emery slipped over the conversion. However, the anticipated flood gates failed to open. Poole mirrored Verwood’s game plan and kept it tight. Scrum half Stuart McDonald was particularly penetrative with ball in hand. 15 minutes from time Poole secured quick ruck ball outside Verwood’s 22 to see winger Colin Horsley bounce through two tackles and score in the corner.

Verwood’s winning try came 10 minutes from the end. A scrum in Poole’s 22 saw the ball moved swiftly right. Outside centre Richard Hunt pirouetted round both his opponent and the weary Horsley to score in the corner.

Poole - Tim Larkin; Colin Horsley (Tries)
Verwood: Tim Wynn; Richard Hunt.
Conversion Phil Emery

Verwood 7 Oakmeadians III 10
19th January 2002

Oakmeadians secured victory in the first half after scoring two early tries. Despite Verwood dominating the second half, spending long periods in the Oaks 22, they could only cross the line once. There was an opportunity for Verwood to tie the scores 10 minutes from time if a kick at goal had been taken instead of a kick to the corner.

Oaks dominated the first 20 minutes of the game. Following a ruck on Verwood’s 10 metre line, the ball was transferred swiftly right. Winger Dan Landen showed good strength & pace to score in the corner. Oaks second came soon after. Clean lineout ball was secured just inside Verwood’s 22. The Oaks pack drove forward all of 15 metres and over the line to see Paul Carter claim the try.

The expected rout did not materialise. The Verwood pack took the game to Oaks with Neil Westerman, Nigel Brunning and Ross Wilkinson particularly impressing in the loose.

0-10 at half time.

Despite all their second half territorial advantage, Verwood could not turn pressure into points.Hooker Lawrence McArthy came close but was held up on the line. Then, following an infringement at the lineout on Oak’s 22, Verwood’s scrum half Garry Maidment took a quick tap penalty and went on a darting meandering run to score under the posts. Emery added the

Verwood: Garry Maidment
Conversion: Phil Emery
Oakmeadians: Dan Landen; Paul Carter

Alresford 35 Verwood 0
13th January 2002

Verwood encountered an in form promotion chasing Alresford in this first League game of the New Year.

Verwood won the toss and elected to play with the advantage of Alresford’s sloping pitch. Although Alresford’s large pack once again lived up to its reputation, Verwood had the better of the early exchanges with their scrum holding firm and Banks and Brunning effectively disrupting the Alresford lineout. Alresford’s first score came after 15 minutes. 10 metres away from their own line, Verwood elected to throw to the back of the line. The ball was gathered by Flanker John Togwell who charged over to score. Andy McWilliam added the conversion and then, at the end of the half, a penalty.

10-0 at half-time.

Alresford stepped up a gear immediately from the kick off and maintained a tight grip on the game. Verwood only enjoyed modest brief incursions into the Alresford’s half. Alresford ran in a total of five tries through Martin Strong, Andy McWilliams, Nigel Clark, Ashley Vaughan and Luke Swaffield in the second half, of which three were scored in the last 10 minutes with the game already won.

Alresford look worthy of promotion to Hampshire 2.

Verwood 17 Lychett Minster 59
5th January 2002

Verwood faced an in form Lychett side who also play in the Hampshire Leagues but in Division 2.After the first quarter, the game was finely balanced until Lychett scored their first when Nigel Lockyer went over in the corner. Two further tries followed quickly through Tom Gorgon and Mike Doul. Repeated infringements in the tackle area saw Verwood awarded a penalty in the Lychett 22. Scrum half Phil Emery took a quick tap penalty to wriggle over and score. Lychett ran in three further tries in the first half through Rob Ansell, Matt Hope and Steve Lee.

25-5 at half time.

Verwood had the better of the first 20 minutes of the second half and were rewarded with the first score. Following a shortened lineout 15 metres out Verwood, secured the ball and drove over. Hooker John Hill claimed the try. Lychett reposted with two quick tries through Hope and Fortune. Then a moment of magic. Verwood were awarded a penalty on Lychett’s 22. Outside Half Andy Hoggins took a quick tap, threw a dummy left and three side-steps later was under the posts for a converted try. By this time the game was lost and Lychett ran in three further tries in the last 10 minutes through Hope, Fortune and Webb.

Lychett: Nigel Lockyer; Tom Gordon; Mile Doul; Rob Ansell; Steve Lee; Matt Hope (2); Quinten
Fortune; (2); Vince Ward
Conversions: Nigel Lockyer (2)
Verwood: Phil Emery; John Hill; Andy Hoggins
Conversion: Phil Emery

Verwood 12 Ellingham & Ringwood 37
8th December 2001

This local Derby lived up to everyone’s expectations and was overall a pretty even contest which was not reflected in the scoreline.

Despite the home side having the better of the early exchanges, Ellingham scored first. Dan Brown at centre took a crash ball and an early release saw the ball moved right for winger John Percy to score in the corner. Percy went over for his second soon after. Scrum Half Andy Hulbert went blind from a maul and fed Percy who rounded winger Lee Baker to again hit the corner. The conversion was added by Hugh Williams.

Further tries followed through Andy Hulbert, flanker Andy Dare and left wing Will Laidlaw.

27 -0 at half time.

Verwood started the second half with meaning. Following a series of driving mauls Verwood secured good field position in Ellingham’s 22. The ball was transferred left to see centre Darren Kendall break Brown’s poor tackle to stretch over in the corner. Soon after Verwood scored their second when, following a tap penalty in the Ellingham 22, young flanker Malcolm Warriner ran over unopposed. Phil Emery added the conversion.

Ellingham had the final reposte. A cross field kick by Caldecott just outside Verwood’s 22 was retrieved by Laidlaw who passed out of the tackle to Brown who ran in to score. In the final minutes winger Laidlaw went over on the left following a scrum in Verwood’s 22 after Hulbert had broken blind.

Tries: Darren Kendall; Malcolm Warriner
Conversion: Phil Emery
Tries: Andy Dare; Andy Hulbert; John Percy (2); Will Laidlaw (2); Dan Brown
Conversion: Hugh Williams

Stoneham Park 17 Verwood 10
1st December 2001

Verwood won the toss and elected to play with the advantage of  Stoneham’s considerably slopping pitch. This proved to be advantageous. On 10 minutes Stoneham’s fly-half Andy Stride was heavily tackled by centre Andy Davies on Verwood’s 22 whilst attempting a dummy scissors movement. Verwood winger  Dean Cox gathered the spilled ball and sprinted the length of the field to score. Phil Emery added the conversion.

Verwood were unable to capitalise further on the advantage of the sloping pitch. Stoneham secured most of the lineout possession and the penalty count was far from favourable to Verwood. On 30 minutes, Stoneham’s Andy Stride took a quick tap penalty on his own ten yard line. Poor defending saw him run the length of the field to score under the posts.

7-7 at half time.

Verwood obtained a fair share of possession in the first quarter of the second half which was rewarded with a well struck Neil Westerman penalty. From the restart, Verwood spent the remainder of the match penned in their 22. Following a lineout, Stoneham’s scrum half Richard Egg linked well with Stride on a looping movement  to score to the right of the posts. Stride added the conversion and a subsequent penalty. Verwood’s Tim Wynn suffered a dislocated shoulder towards the end of the match after falling over heavily.

Tries: Dean Cox
Conversion: Phil Emery
Penalty:  Neil Westerman;
Tries: Andy Stride & Richard Egg
Conversion: Andy Stride (2)
Penalty: Andy Stride

Verwood 15 Romsey III 39
24th November 2001

Verwood, fielding a depleted side, lost this game in the first 20 minutes to the well organised visitors. Romsey’s first two tries resulted from some deft handling with the ball moved swiftly to the wings, Crosby scoring twice in 15 minutes. Romsey’s third was a soft touch following poor tackling from a quickly taken tap penalty when Coe burst over ten yards out. Verwood were 21-0 down but as is their reputation, the home side fought back. Following a blindside break by Verwood’s scrum half Garry Maidment, he linked with his backrow to see Westerman score.

Picture: Westerman feeds Maidment at the back of the scrum

Verwood scored on half time when Maidment drove over following a ruck 10 metres out.

21-10 at half time.

Verwood enjoyed the better of possession followimg the interval and were well encamped in the Romsey half during the third quarter and finally managed to convert pressure points when flanker Mike Lock forced his way over for his first try of the Season. In the final quarter, Romsey Centre Dai Fawcett scored out wide. Romsey’s scrum half Tilt then added a penalty and scored an opportunist try following a clever chip ahead to gather the ball and score. Tilt scored a second following a quickly taken tap penalty.

Verwood: Neil Westerman;  Garry Maidment; Mike Lock
Romsey: Coe; Tilt (2); Crosby; Fawcett
Penalty: Tilt
Conversion Tilt (3)

Verwood 25 Chineham 13
17th November 2001

Verwood secured their first League victory of the Season with an emphatic win over Chineham. Man of the Match Verwood Captain Darren Clarbull was delighted with his Team’s performance. “The boys have stuck together through thick and thin despite all our setbacks this season. The taste of success is a real boost for the Club”.

Verwood opened the scoring after 5 minutes. 15 metres out Verwood were awarded a penalty which was taken quickly by second row Simon Banks who crashed over to score an unconverted try.

Picture: Adrian Cutler about to take the ball

Shortly after, outside half Phil Emery added a penalty which was soon followed by Verwood’s second try when, following a ruck 10 metres out, flanker Martin Hillier drove over. Emery added the conversion.

Chineham enjoyed a fair share of  possession. Good distribution by fly-half Gary McGuire saw the ball moved competently along their backline but the visitors managed to squander a number of scoring opportunities through dropped the final passes. However, Chineham’s Steve Knight managed to land a penalty on half-time after Verwood’s Dave Hockaday was penalised for dangerous use of the boot.

15-3 at half-time.

10 minutes into the second half Verwood’s Tim Wynn again added to his mounting try tally by quickly taking a tap penalty some 15 metres out to score in the left hand corner.

Chineham continued to threaten with some particularly penetrative running from full-back David Floyd. A quickly taken penalty on Verwood’s 22 saw the ball moved along the line  with flanker Wayne Turner scoring in the right hand corner.

In the final quarter, a good positional kick from centre Richard Hunt pinned the visitors in their 22.Chineham’s Adam Woolhouse loosely tapped the ball at the resulting lineout to see it plucked in the air by Verwood’s Neil Westerman to score in the corner.

In the dying minutes Chineham had the final reposte. Following a penalty on half way, McGuire elected to run. The ball was moved swiftly right and Turner ran over in the corner to score his second.

Picture: Smiles after the final whistle

Verwood: Tim Wynn ; Neil Westerman; Martin Hillier; Simon Banks
Penalty & Conversion: Phil Emery
Chineham - Wayne Turner
Penalty: Steve Knight

See also Chineham RFC

Verwood 20 Poole 10
3rd November 2001

If there was ever a game for Verwood that represented a turning point this was it. This was their first victory over the seaside visitors putting their season back on track inthe lead up to their next League game.

Verwood scored on 10 minutes. Following a scrum on halfway, debutante Flanker Neil Brunning broke blind to run 40 metres only to be tackled short but was astute enough to feed supporting backrow forward Neil Westerman to score in the corner.

Picture: Poole press the Verwood line

Poole responded quickly. Following a quickly taken penalty in Verwood’s 22, the ball was fed to blindside winger Damian Midwinter who broke through some poor mid-field tackling to score. The conversion was added by Martin Veil.

Veil then added a penalty just before halftime.

10-5 to Poole at half time.

Verwood are getting a reputation for their second half performances. 20 minutes in Verwood’s player coach Tim Wynn crashed over the line following a quickly taken tap penalty in Poole’s 22 to level the scores until the last quarter. Then, Poole’s Martin Veil missed two speculative long range penalty attempts following which Verwood scored two further tries through Wynn and Martin Hillier.

Poole - Damian Midwinter (Try)
Penalty: Martin Viel
Verwood: Tim Wynn (2); Neil Westerman; Martin Hillier

Brockenhurst 43 Verwood 27
27th October 2001

If there was ever a game of two halves, this was it. Brockenhurst stormed away to what appeared to be an unassailable first half lead only to see it whittled away by a rejuvenated Verwood side towithin 2 points with 10 minutes of the match remaining.

Brockenhurst, playing with the advantage of their sloping pitch, scored after 10 minutes. From a lineout on half way, the ball was moved swiftly along the backline. Centre  Jonathan Hendry had looped  and showed good pace to outstrip the defence and score in the right hand corner.

Brockenhurst’s second came soon after and was almost a carbon copy. After the ball had again been transferred swiftly right, the ball was slipped back inside to Flanker Stuart Thomas to score. Then a give-away. A tap penalty was quickly taken inside Verwood’s 22. Verwood watched as Scrum half Bryn Hill went in unopposed. This was converted and Brockenhust were 17-0 ahead on 25 minutes.

Following this, Verwood woke up. After a series of forward drives the ball was moved left just outside the Brockenhurst 22 to Darren (magic) Kendall. He showed great strength handing off three defenders to score in the corner.

Picture: John Hill on the Charge

Immediately after the restart Brockenhurst were gifted a try. Tim Wynn’s clearance kick was charged
down and centre Tim Dalganno followed up to score. Clearly, Verwood had charitable giving on
their minds. Not long after the re-start Verwood’s’ fly half Richard Hunt shovelled out a poor pass
in his 22. This was hacked through by centre Jonathan Hendry to score. This was converted and Brockenhurst led 29-5 at half time and it looked like the game was won.

In the second half, Verwood lost Kendall due to a concussion Injury and he was replaced by Andy Hoggins at fly half. There then followed the Verwood come back of come backs. First winger John Davies scored in the right hand corner. Within minutes of the restart Verwood surged upfield with backs and forwards combining. A quickly taken tap penalty was fed to Tim
Wynn to score a try under the posts. Neil Westerman added the coversion. The Verwood side were now like men possessed.

Quickly after the restart, and after ploughing up the middle, Prop Roy Hammond ran all of 20 metres to score in the left hand corner.  Verwood’s fourth followed in the same vein and again within minutes of the restart. Following a scrum in Brockenhurst’s 22, Fly-half Andy Hoggins ran right but the ball was fed left to Tim Wynn at inside centre who broke through to score. With 10 minutes left the scoreline had closed to  29-27.

Then Brockenhurst were awarded a controversial penalty try after full back Dave Hockaday held back his opponent for which he was sin binned. In the final minutes Brockenhurst scored a breakaway try after regaining  possession on half way. Flanker Stuart Thomas went over and his try was converted.

Verwood 13 Paxton Pumas 18
20th October 2001

This was a first for both Verwood and Paxton Pumas as the two sides had never played each other before.

Pumas scored first after 15 minutes. From a scrum inside their half, the ball was won against the head. Number 8 Julian Beard broke blind to slip the ball to scrum half Cliff Moorhouse who sprinted down the left wing to outstrip the defence and score in the corner.

Photo: Laker converting Beard's try

This was a game of full of turnovers in possession where Verwood’s ball retention was particularly poor. Astute kicking by Puma’s fly-half Richard Jones kept up the pressure pinning Verwood in their own half . After Pumas Full-back (Jez) Gerald Laker added an easy penalty, they scored their second try through Number 8 Julian Beard. He broke right from a scrum outside Verwood’s 22 and some poor tackling let him clean through. Laker added the conversion.

A brief incursion into the Pumas 22 saw Verwood score their first try. The ball was moved left following a ruck. Winger John Davies scored in the corner.

15-5 at half-time.

Paxton Pumas dominated the second half and were camped in Verwood’s half for a full 30 minutes. Verwood centre Nick Douch continued to impress at centre with some impressive defensive tacking. Debutante Verwood centre Andy Pestridge looked threatening with ball in hand.

The game looked like it might turn in the last 10 minutes. Verwood Full Back Phil Emery went off on a mazy run. He was tackled just short of the line as he failed to take advantage of a two man overlap on his right. Scrum -half Garry Maidment managed to recover the ball and went over.

Photo: Emery Tackled short with two man overlap

A final exchange of penalty kicks by Emery and Laker resulted in a deserved win for Pumas.

Verwood 31 Sherborne II 0
6th October 2001

This was Verwood’s first win of the season against a strong Sherborne Second XV.

Verwood opened their account following a chip ahead by centre Darren Kendall. From the ensuing ruck on Sherborne’s line, flanker Tim Wynn drove over to score. Flanker Any Davies scored soon after. Verwood secured good lineout ball on Sherborne’s 22.Prop John Hill drove on towards the line. The ball was released to the backs and Andy Davies popped up to run in unapposed. The Conversion was added by Phil Emery. 12-0.

The final score of the half followed from a scrum on half way. Andy Davies broke to tear down the left. The ball was recycled on the Sherborne 22 and centre Phil Emery ran in to score in the right hand corner. 17-0 at half time.

Sherborne came back strongly in the opening exchanges of the second half. But for final fumbled passes they should have added at least two tries. Sherborne Newcomers Lawrence McArthy and Adrian Cutler were in the thick of the action. Verwood scored again following a typically powerful centre run from deep by Kendall who linked with Wynn to score his second. Emery added the conversion.

The Final try saw fly-half Richard Hunt moving the ball left from a scrum on the Verwood 10 metre line. Winger Dean Cox had all of 50 metres to run to outpace the defence and score in the corner. Emery added the conversion.

Verwood 5 Alresford 28
29th September 2001

This was a first for both Verwood and Alresford as the two sides had never played each other before.

Alresford’s large pack lived up to its reputation. Their first score came after 15 minutes. Following a penalty they were a scrum 15 metres out from the Verwood line. The pack drove over to see No 8 Ashley Vaughan claim the try which went unconverted. A penalty was added by fly half Andy McWilliam 10 minutes later.

Picture: Simon Banks leaping at 1

Alresford’s second try resulted from a failed penalty kick at goal from Verwood. Andy McWilliam ran the ball out of his 22 and linked well with winger Tim Sims who ran in from a full 50 metres to score in the corner.

13-0 at half-time.

Alresford maintained their grip on the game in the Second half although they failed to convert pressure into points despite a succession of lineouts in Verwood’s 22.Verwood’s Nick Douch impressed at inside centre with his aggressive offensive

On 60 minutes Alresford converted pressure into points. Following another scrum 20 metres out, Mcwilliam went blind to score in the left hand corner.

Verwood occasionally penetrated into Alresford’s 22 but suffered from the lack of quality possession. Alresford scored again following a well executed double dummy scissors move. Winger Luke Weffield was held up short of the line. From the ensuing
maul second row Dave Tester drove over from 5 metres out to score.

Verwood then pressed the Alresford line for a short spell. A poor clearance kick from winger Nigel Clarke was gathered by Verwood’s full back Lee Baker on half way. He sprinted to the right hand corner only to be tackled short of the line. Centre Nick Douch followed up in support and wrestled in the score.

Alresford had the final reposte. In the last minute of the game they were awarded a scrum on Verwood’s 10 metre line. The ball was moved swiftly along the line to outside centre Mike Deaton who went on an arcing run to score in the corner.

Ellingham & Ringwood 25 Verwood 15
22nd September 2001

It was fitting that Ellingham & Ringwood should play Verwood in their first League game of the Season and this local derby lived up to expectations. A game played with great passion and effort by both sides.

Ellingham had the better of the early exchanges and were camped in the Verwood 22 for the first 20 minutes assisted by a succession of penalty awards in their favour. Ellingham scored the first try. It was a gem. A relieving kick from Verwood’s fly-half Richard Hunt failed to reach touch and was well gathered by full back Alan Bingham on half way. He put up an enormous left footed kick which hooker Phil Huckle failed to gather. Bingham had followed through and the ball bounced perfectly for him to score a try under the posts which he converted.

Picture: Garry Maidment on a sniping run

Verwood scored within 5 minutes of the restart as a result of some equal good fortune. Following a speculative downfield kick Bingham gathered only to find his relieving kick charged down by winger Dean Cox who managed to stay on his feet, gather the ball and score.

Ellingham lead 12-5 at half time following a driving maul when they were awarded a controversial try as it appeared that the Clive Cashell, the ball carrier, had been held up.

The Second half saw Ellingham go further ahead. Following a penalty kick into the corner, Ellingham won the resulting lineout to see second row Jason Lewis  break through and score.

Ellingham now appeared to have the game won but Verwood reposted with two quick tries. A speculative cross-field kick by Hunt resulted in a favourable bounce to see winger John Davies score in the corner. The second came after a succession of mauls on Ellingham’s try line. Flanker Tim Wynn taking the credit for the score. 17- 15.

The last quarter could have seen the game go either way, particularly as both set of backs were not particularly inventive or penetrative. Ellingham’s final try came from Dan Brown who had switched from fly-half to inside centre. His meandering and twisting run saw him score in the corner.

In the closing stages, a penalty award to Ellingham on Verwood’s 10 metre line saw it moved 10 metres forward due to lack of discipline. Bingham took the gifted three points.

 2000/1 Reports

 1999/00 Reports

Verwood RUFC