Verwood RUFC Match Reports 2003/4

Verwood 12 Ventnor 22
13th March 2004

Top of the Table Ventnor, unbeaten in the League, ended Verwood’s six game winning run and promotion hopes in a very close and physical contest.

Verwood enjoyed the better of the early exchanges and were camped in the Ventnor half in the first 20 minutes. Verwood flanker Tim Wynn’s influence on the game was colossal, not least with his powerful ball-carrying and tackles. Both sides play at the lineout was a shambles but this added to the cut and thrust of the game which for the most part remained frantic. Despite plenty of possession, Verwood were constantly under pressure and playing in Ventnor’s faces and were unable to obtain any reward for their efforts.
It was ironic that Ventnor took the lead after a rare incursion into Verwood’s 22. Flyhalf Dave Martin dropped a goal to secure a 3-0 lead. Soon after the restart, a series of mauls in Verwood’s 22 resulted in Ventnor’s flanker Matt Taylor finding a
hole on the blindside to run in and score. Ventnor then went further ahead just before the interval. A failed kick at goal saw Verwood attempt to run the ball out of their 22 when a bid boot to touch would have been the sensible option. Ventnor turned over possession and scrum half Nigel Maltrin ultimately bustled over from five metres out.

0-17 at half time

In the second half, Verwood finally turned possession into points when, following a ruck in Ventnor’s 22, scrum half Marc Kuhne broke blind to run in under the posts taking his points tally for the season to 105. 15 minutes before the end, Verwood gifted Ventnor a try. The visitors threw the ball wide following a tap penalty in Verwood’s 22 and Callagh Chapman scored in the corner.
In the dying minutes of the game, Verwood’s inside centre Andy Palmer went on a mazey arcing run following a period of broken play on Ventnor’s 22. He finally weaved his way over in the right hand corner.

In the end Verwood would not have gained promotion even if they had beaten Ventnor as Chineham beat Paxton Pumas. Even so, Ventnor were given a game of rugby this day.

Verwood: Marc Kuhne; Andy Palmer
Conversion: Marc Kuhne
Ventnor: Matt Taylor; Nigel Martin; Callagh Chapman
Conversion: Dave Martin (2)
Drop goal: Dave Martin

Verwood 32 Romsey XV 17
6th March 2004

Verwood, despite missing eight first team regulars, continued their winning run convincingly beating a strong Romsey XV. From Lineout to scrum, ruck to maul, Verwood’s backs savoured mouth watering and succulent amounts of ball running Romsey ragged on occasions. The opening score resulted from the ball being shifted wide after third phase possession outside the Romsey 22. Debutante winger, Charlie Cockram, showed good pace to score in the left hand corner. This was soon followed by centre Karl Jensen rounding off another enterprising backline attack.
Romsey scored shortly before the break. Verwood ran the ball blind from their 22. Romsey turned the ball over and out of the mayhem, prop forward Paul Hoggersby scored under the posts.

12-7 at half time.

In the second half, Verwood reasserted their dominance in all phases and flanker Tim Wynn playing like a man possessed and went on some impressive rampaging runs despite aggravating a long standing knee injury. Verwood’s scrum half Marc Kuhne managed to find an unexpected hole at a maul on half way. He hit the gap and showed good pace and stamina to score under the uprights. It was clean lineout ball, 35 metres out, that saw fly half Steve Deeble work a cut out pass to feed full back Phil Emery who meandered over the line to score. Soon after, a cleaver scissors move saw Romsey centre Mike Pearce wrong foot the Verwood midfield running in unopposed from Verwood’s 22.

Straight from the restart, Verwood drove upfield. Turnover ball saw Verwood’s Cockram burst up the left wing to feed inside to Jensen to score in the corner. In fairness, Romsey stuck to their task and played a tighter game in the last quarter grinding out the yardage close to ruck and maul. Second Row Darren Bungle charged over from 15 metres out to add respectability to the final score.

Verwood: Karl Jensen (2); Charlie Cockram; Marc Kuhne; Phil Emery
Conversions: Marc Kuhne (2)
Penalty: Marc Kuhne
Romsey: Paul Hoggersby; Mike Pearce; Darren Bungle
Conversion: Mike Pearce

Lychett Minster 14 Verwood 40
28th February 2004

Lychett, having lost narrowly to Ellingham & Ringwood last weekend, were surprised with by the strength of in form Verwood who have now notched up 126 points in their last three games.
Verwood lost the toss and Lychett played with a strong breeze in their favour. However, they failed to capitalise on this advantage and the expected drilling of the corners did not materialise. Verwood moved the ball well through the phases with fly-half Steve Deeble nurturing centre Nick Taylor who made same telling runs through the midfield. Despite a surplus of possession, the only score of the half resulted from quick ball won against the head by McCarthy in the scrummage on
Lychett’s 22. Verwood moved the ball right to winger Phil Emery who stepped inside to score.

5-0 at half time.

Verwood made some positional changes at half-time introducing visiting Italian Georgio Leyrosso at Number 8. With the wind on their backs, a scoring spree looked on the cards. A shortened  lineout in Lychett’s 22 saw the Verwood backrow trio combining to put Leyrosso in under the posts. Soon after, a quickly taken tap penalty by Leyrosso in Lychett’s 22 saw second row Tony Cosgrove break off the ensuing maul to score. A wayward 22 drop out by Lychett saw the ball run back from deep with scrum half Marc Kuhne rounding off the passing movement under the posts. Another quickly taken penalty in Lychett’s 22 this time saw Leyrosso bulldoze his way over the line.
Lychett contested throughout and hooker Shaun Gardner was particularly active in the loose. His petulance saw him seize on a wayward pass by Kuhne 10 metres out by intercepting to score.

Into the final quarter. Verwood’s Deeble worked the scissors with Taylor on halfway whose mazy running saw him score under the posts. Lychett scored near the end. After running a penalty in Verwood’s 22, Gardiner broke off the maul 10 metres out to charge over and score.

Verwood: Phil Emery; Georgio Leyrosso (2); Tony Cosgrove; Marc Kuhne; Nick Taylor
Conversions: Marc Kuhne (5)
Lychett Minster: Shaun Gardiner (2)
Conversions Matt Hope (2)

Verwood 33 Wheatsheaf Cabin Crew 17
14th February 2004

Wheatsheaf, fresh from their overseas encounters in Italy, were undoubtedly surprised to face a well drilled and organised Verwood side who have now notched up 86 points in their last two games and playing with great confidence.

Verwood took an early lead. Following a lineout 40 metres out, Verwood’s flyhalf Steve Deeble worked an orthodox scissors with inside centre Andy Palmer who found a great angle to hit the gap and had a clear run in under the posts. 20 minutes later, from a lineout on half way the ball was fed to right wing Andy Hoggins. He stretched his legs and then drew full back Ben Thornton with a well timed pass to feed inside to Deeble who scored under the posts.

14-0 at half time.

Wheatsheaf’s scrum functioned more effectively than Verwood’s and began to provide a solid platform for the Crew’s backs. In fairness, Verwood’s props Paul McGuffie and Darren Kendall were both playing out of position and did an admirable job. With some clean possession, and with Verwood perhaps letting off on the throttle, Wheatsheaf pulled back with two quick tries in the space of  the first 10 minutes of the second half - both long range efforts with backs and forwards showing good inter-play.The first by openside flanker David Jonah who charged down the left hand side and then through centre Dean Lewis following a powerful run.
It was an attempted run out from their own 22 by Wheatsheaf that saw Verwood winger Wayne Vaughan intercept Ben Thornton's pass to score under the posts. Before most people could catch their breath, Vaughan was on the score sheet again. A handling error in the Wheatsheaf's midfield saw the ball spilled on halfway. Paul McGuffie picked up the loose ball and made good ground fending off tackles left & right. He fed out of the tackle to Vaughan who ran 35 metres to score under the posts. Verwood's final score came from a tap penalty taken inside Wheatsheaf's 22. Tim Wynn rode a tackle & fed Paul McGuffie who crashed over the line. At the close, Wheatsheaf's number 8 Tim Garrett  scored in the right hand corner follwing another impressive run from Lewis to end a thoroughly entertaining game.

Verwood: Andy Palmer; Steve Deeble; Paul McGuffie; Wayne Vaughan (2)
Conversions: Marc Kuhne (4)
Wheatsheaf: David Jonah; Dean Lewis; Tim Garrett
Conversion: Nick Richards

Stoneham Park 5 Verwood 54
14th February 2004

This result consolidated Verwood’s second place in Hampshire Division 3. Depending on the results in the final round of League Matches, Verwood could still gain promotion this season if they beat Ventnor at home on 13th March. Although there were some short flat spots in their performance, Verwood were wonderfully optimistic and ambitious. They were always in complete control of the scoreboard and the only sense of anti-climax lay in the fact that they were so far ahead going into the final quarter.

In the opening exchanges, Verwood’s Mike Wheatley broke from a ruck 15 metres out only to be held up over the line. The early pressure finally paid off for the visitors when Stoneham’s outside half Lines mishandled in his 22. Flanker Chris Goldsworthy pounced on the ball, picked up and charged through to score. Verwood had started the process of running Stoneham to distraction. Darren Kendall, playing on the wing, went over for two quick tries on the right after a series of
rucks and mauls. Incisive running from Verwood centres Andy Palmer and Karl Jensen were the flavour of the afternoon and a dominant factor. They were both deadly, and ouzing with confidence.

21-0 at half time.

In the second half Verwood reasserted their dominance in all phases and flanker Gareth Smith was playing like a man possessed and went on some impressive rampaging runs. It was clean lineout ball, 35 metres out, that saw fly half Steve Deeble work the dummy scissors and hit the gap only to be tackled just short of the line. He fed second row Mike Wheatley who went over to score. It looked like the floodgates might open but Stoneham pulled back a score following an opportunist kick and chase by centre Tierman Symonds who showed good pace to score in the corner.

An incisive break from inside centre Andy Palmer, following a scrum on halfway, saw him run a full 40 metres to feed the ever present Smith out of the tackle who went over for his second. Andy Palmer scored himself soon after. Quick ball from a ruck saw him choose a delightful angle to wrong foot the defence.

Following a scrum 20 metres out, Deeble switched right and threw a superb long pass to outside centre Karl Jenesen who ran in under the posts. With five minutes to go the best was yet to come with the final score of the game. Following a ruck deep in the Verwood half, Verwood ran the ball right. Winger Kendall made good ground to feed Jensen who had looped out side him. As he was being tackled into touch, Jensen fed inside to replacement Flanker Tim Wynn, who stretched his legs from half way. 10 metres out he drew the full back with a well timed inside pass to Number eight Paul McGuffie who gave the scoring pass to the ever present Gareth Smith. Scrum half Marc Kuhne missed the conversion but had converted all the previous seven tries.

Verwood: Chris Goldsworthy; Darren Kendall (2); Gareth Smith (2); Mike Wheatley; Andy
Palmer; Karl Jensen
Conversions: Marc Kuhne (7)
Stoneham Park: Tierman Symonds

Paxton Pumas 10 Verwood 15
24th January 2004

On a weekend that had seen controversy loom about the value of the penalty kick, it was fitting to see Verwood score two tries to one and in the process move up to equal third in the League.

The opening 15 minutes were frenetic and fault ridden with neither side putting any pattern to the game. This was a particularly physical spell, epitomised with some bone shaking tackles from Verwood’s Steve Thomas and Mike Wheatley. Then, Verwood hit their rhythm.

Video Clip of Mike Wheatley's bone shaking Tackle

A quickly taken tap penalty 30 metres out produced a series of driving mauls from the Verwood pack resulting in scrum half Alan Cook sniping in from 10 metres out to score to the right of the posts. Emery added the conversion.

Ten minutes later, Verwood scored again. Another  series of mauls saw Thomas spin off and set up a quick ruck 20 metres out. The ball was moved swiftly right and a beautifully timed pass from flanker Paul McGuffie to Karl Jensen put the centre in the clear to score in the corner.

Video Clip of Karl's Try

Paxton raised the tempo in the final 10 minutes of the half. Following clean lineout possession they recycled quickly from a ruck 30 metres out. Winger Phil Nuttal stepped in from his right wing, hit a gap, and showed good pace to score to the right
of the posts. On the brink of half Verwood’s Emery converted a penalty from 35 metres out.

15-7 at half time.

Despite Verwood’s lineout failing to function in the second half, they became a fixture in the Paxton 22. At the scrummage, Paxton had no answer to Verwood’s forward power and in particular the front row combination of Huckle, Thomas and Mackrell. Verwood constantly pushed Paxton off their ball and narrowly failed to score on several occasions.

Paxton failed to fully capitalise on the sin-binning of Verwood’s second row Simon Banks, following a technical infringement at the lineout, but Laker did convert a penalty from 30 metres out. In the end it was sheer graft that ground out a well deserved victory for the visitors.

Verwood: Alan Cook; Karl Jensen;
Conversion: Phil Emery
Penalty: Phil Emery
Paxton Pumas: Phil Nuttal
Conversion: Jes Laker
Penalty: Jes Laker

Oakmeadians B 0 Verwood 45
10th January 2004

Verwood rediscovered themselves in this match playing entertaining 15 man rugby against a strong Oakmedians fifteen in a Club which has considerable strength in depth.

Verwood showed considerable invention in the backs, moving the ball creatively at every opportunity. Verwood’s Steve Deeble, playing at fly half, manufactured the majority of Verwood’s tries. It was fitting that he scored after only five minutes. A strong break from Centre Andy Palmer saw him feed back inside to the ever present Deeble to score in the right hand corner. Soon after, Palmer followed up a kick ahead to gather and drive over to score.
There quickly followed a beauty. Deeble ran a double dummy scissors with his centres following a lineout inside Oaks half. He then hit the gap passing to centre Karl Jensen who in turn fed right wing Wayne Vaughn who scored in the corner. Scrum half, Marc Kuhne added two penalties to see Verwood lead comfortably at half time.

21-0 at half time.

More of the same in the second half. Despite gaining a fair share of the possession the Oaks backs lacked any coherence or decision making. It was no surprise to see a charged down clearance kick pounced upon by Karl Jensen to extend the visitors lead. An orthodox switch in the centre, between Deeble and Palmer, saw Palmer sprint in from 25 metres out. Kuhne converted. The fact that the Oaks scrum did not have the grunt to compete with Verwood’s tight five was exemplified
by a push over try from 10 metres out. Number 8 Chris Goldsworthy picked up to score.
The final score of the game stemmed from a sweeping passing movement culminating in Andy Palmer going over for his hat-trick. Kuhne converted.

Verwood’s new coach, Mark Coppage, was delighted. “This was a pleasing team performance and I am encouraged by the manner in which the players are putting into practice the patterns we have worked hard on in the week.”

Tries: Steve Deeble (1); Andy Palmer (3); Wayne Vaughan; Karl Jenesen; Chris Goldsworthy;
Penalties: Marc Kuhne (2)
Conversions: Marc Kuhne (2)

Swanage & Wareham III 7 Verwood 0
3rd January 2004

Verwood were away to Swanage & Wareham III on Saturday 3rd January & lost 7-0 in a very bizarre game where for some unknown reason the referee played 27 minutes in the first half & 30 minutes in the second!!
How Verwood lost we will never know. Verwood went done 7-0 after an intercept in Swans 22. In the second half, Verwood were camped in the Swans 22 and crossed the line four times only to see tries disallowed for indeterminate reasons.

Verwood 55 Oakmeadians Vets 5
14th December 2003

This was a thoroughly entertaining game played in good pre-christmas spirit. Our Visiting Italian Georgio Leyrosso crossed over for three tries. This was an opportunity for Club Stalwarts Roy Hammond, Dave Hockaday & Andy Hoggins to have a run out.

Tries: Gerogio Leyrosso (3); Dave Hockaday; Marc Kuhne; Andy Hoggins; Nick Beale; Andy Davies; Phil Emery.
Conversions: Georgio Leyrosso (1); Dave Hockaday (1); Marc Kuhne (1); Phil Huckle (1); Andy Hoggins (1)

Verwood 13 Chineham 25
6th December 2003

Despite Verwood’s dominance at the set piece and in the close quarter stuff, the home side failed to capitalise on their possession losing to much improved Chineham.

Chineham scored first. An aimless kick out of defence saw full back McGuire run the ball back from deep. He linked with his left wing Andy Pope who scored in the corner. Shortly after Verwood’s Marc Kuhne added a penalty from 35 metres out.
Despite being camped in Chineham’s 22, failure to move the ball wide from the break down was the story of the afternoon. Eventually, when they did the ball was moved swiftly through the three quarters to see left wing Andy Davies score in the corner.

8-5 at half time.

The second half was a repeat of the second. Good close quarter work from Verwood with some excellent driving mauls gaining 15 & 20 metres on occasions. More often than not, this effort was from too deep only to see the ball eventually lost and a good touch find from the likes of Chinham’s Perkins.
Again, it was attacks from deep with the Chineham backs showing good handling which led to tries from Andy Pope and centres Adam Woodhouse and Mark Avenell with Perkins adding a conversion. Verwood scored a consolation try following a series of rucks on the Chineham line. Hooker Jon Hill found a good angle to score wide of the posts.

Verwood: Andy Davies; John Hill
Penalty: Marc Kuhne
Chineham: Andy Pope (2); Adam Woodhouse; Mark Avenell
Conversion: Jon Perkins
Penalties: Jon Perkins

Verwood 20 Nomads II 19
29th November 2003

The first real dank and miserable Saturday of the season saw an equally miserable performance by both sides in what turned out to be a pretty even but disappointing contest.

Nomads opened the scoring after 10 minutes. Right winger Matt Daply found himself some space on the blindside on Verwood’s 10 metre line. With a good change of speed he managed to go over in the corner. Justin Taylor added the conversion. Soon after, following a succession of rucks and mauls, Verwood Prop Rob Ford was held up just short of the line. Second row Simon Banks managed to then wrestle over and score. Marc Kuhne converted. Kuhne added a penalty kick in
front of the posts just before the break.

10-7 at half-time

Verwood certainly had more than their fair share of possession in the second half but failed to make effective us of it. Simon Banks dominated the lineout winning a significant amount of Nomads ball. It was following one of these lineouts and a resulting maul that the ball was moved to Verwood’s left winger Phil Emery who stepped inside to score under the posts. Kuhne converted.
Nomads scored soon after the restart. Verwood were on the attack but some mishandling in the midfield on Nomads 22 saw the ball hacked upfield. Nomads centre Rob Lucas showed good pace to recover the ball in Verwood’s 22 and out of the tackle feed full back Ross Hutchins to score under the posts. Justin Taylor converted.

Verwood then established camp in Nomads 22. A succession of rucks and mauls short of the Nomads line saw the home side pounding the defence but too close to the fringes. It was obvious to all that all that was required was for the ball to be moved wide where on occasions there were three or four man overlaps. Verwood persevered with doing it the hard way and eventually Scrum half Ben Stocken forced himself over the line 5 metres out.

With five minutes to go, Nomads moved the ball wide from a lineout on half way. Inside centre Rob Lucas went on a pacey looping run to score in the corner. Taylor narrowly missed the conversion which would have won them the game.

Verwood’s Captain Phil Huckle was pleased with the win. He said “There are still lots of phases of the game which we need to work on. We can only improve ahead of our league game against Chineham at home next Saturday”.

Verwood: Tries: Simon Banks; Phil Emery; Ben Stocken.
Penalty: Marc Kuhne; Conversion: Marc Kuhne
Nomads: Tries: Matt Daply; Rob Lucas; Ross Hutchins
Conversions: Justin Taylor (2)

East Dorset 18 Verwood 7
15th November 2003

Where is the game? Odd that it may sound, three of Verwood’s players headed to Potterne Park despite having played East Dorset some five weeks or so ago at home. Isn’t the next fixture away? Failure of logistics such as this are not the best of preparation and inevitably impact upon performance.

East Dorset took the lead through a well struck penalty kick on ten minutes. The lead was extended following a quickly taken lineout on half way. The ball was fed to outside half Morgan Leadbitter who found a gap and showed great pace to run 50 metres to score under the posts. Remarkably he missed the conversion.

Verwood scored shortly before the interval. A penalty try was awarded following Ben Stocken being prevented from scoring after a quickly taken penalty 10 metres out. Marc Kune converted.

8-7 at half time.

The second half was a close contest with no discernible difference between the two teams in a game which lacked any particular pattern. Nevertheless, East Dorset scored a well worked try following a push over try at the scrummage on 60 minutes. In the dying moments of the game, scrum half Carl Leadbetter effectively worked the blindside to put in his winger who stepped Verwood’s Jeneson and Emery to score in the corner.

Ventnor 71 Verwood 5
8th November 2003

Verwood suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of the Division 3 leaders. Verwood lived off scraps of possession throughout the game and it was this dominance of possession which enabled the islanders to score so many points.

The early exchanges were far indicative of the rout that was to come. However, Ventnor took full advantage of the elements playing with both the slope of their pitch and a strong breeze in their favour. The ball was kicked effectively out of hand on numerous occasions pinning the visitors in their 22.

Ventnor scored 41 points in the first half of which perhaps 20 could be attributable to the advantage of the elements.

Verwood failed to turn the game round at half time. Neither the lineout nor scrummage functioned effectively to produce clean possession. The result was that Verwood were unable to adopt Ventnor’s first half tactic of kicking for the left hand corner. Verwood scored a consolation try at the end following a weaving run by winger Phil Emery after a quickly taken tap penalty in
Ventnor’s 22.

Verwood II 10 Oakmedians 38
1st November 2003

Verwood fielded a second XV for the first time this season in a very open game on a crisp & sunny afternoon. Oaks scored an early trythrough Morgan but after 15 minutes Verwood scored following a speculative cross field kick by Ben Stocken from a lineout 30 metres out. The ball rolled mischievously over the in-goal area for centre Marc Kuhne to touch down.

Oaks reposted soon after following an intercept on half way by Pinfield which Morgan converted. Soon after a quickly taken tap penalty saw Wood crash over from 15 metres. Morgan converted. Pinfield added his second shortly before half time again converted by Morgan.

5-26 at half time

Despite the scoreline, the game was both close and open and played in good humour. Oaks scored another try following another quickly taken tap penalty by Morgan. Verwood pulled back 5 points following a driving maul with Phil Emery claiming the credit for the score. Towards the end a los clearance kick was gather by Oaks left wing on half way. He fed centre Lamb who meandered his way over the line to score.

Verwood: Marc Kuhne; Phil Emery
Oakmedians:Pinefield (2); Wood; Lamb; Morgan (2)
Conversion: Rawamila; Morgan (3)

Verwood 32 Stoneham Park 10
25th October 2003

This result consolidated Verwood’s second place in Hampshire Division 3 in game which could hardly be described as a spectacle, particularly the first half which was truly forgettable. Chickens of the decapitated variety is a phrase which springs to mind to describe both sides performance. There was simply no pattern to the game.

Stoneham scored first after 10 minutes through a well struck penalty by centre Steven Lines. On 20 minutes Verwood’s  reposte came following a good passage of interplay. A quickly taken tap penalty deep in Verwood’s half saw the ball fed to hooker Steve Thomas. He set off on a run like a man possessed with hand offs left & right.  Number 8 Paul McGuffie took the ball on feeding to flanker Gareth Smith whose pass to Mike Wheatley saw the second row break the final tackle to

Stoneham scored soon after. A speculative punt upfield resulted in a penalty due to failure to release on the ground. Stoneham’s scrum half, Andy Stride, had the presence of mind to take a quick tap and feed centre Steve Lines who scored and converted.

5-10 at half time.

Verwood enjoyed a good 20 minute spell in the second half when they imposed something of a pattern to their game. Good lineout possession 35 metres out saw Andy Palmer loop fellow centre Steve Deeble in midfield. Full back Hunt joined the line and ghosted his way over to score. Phil Emery converted. Soon after, fast distribution from Verwood’s Stocken at the scrum saw a scissors in the centre between Deeble and Palmer 30 metres out. Picking up speed, Palmer showed good strength to
weave over and score.
Verwood’s Phil Emery then added a memorable penalty kick from just inside the half way line to further stretch the lead. Verwood were now dominating at all phases. Gareth Smith stole at a lineout on Stoneham’s 22, stretched his legs and enjoyed a clean run in to score. Verwood’s final score came right at the end. Second row Tony Cosgrove broke right from a maul. He threw an outrageous one handed dummy to run 20 metres unopposed to score. Karl Jensen converted.

Verwood’s Captain, Phil Huckle, was pleased with the win, although he recognised the lack of cohesion in the team in the first half. “We will learn from this performance and put some of our basic mistakes right for the next game” he said.

Verwood: Mike Wheatley; Richard Hunt; Andrew Palmer; Gareth Smith; Tony Cosgrove
Conversion: Karl Jensen;
Penalty: Phil Emery
Stoneham Park: Steven Lines
Conversion: Steven Lines
Penalty: Steven Lines

Bournemouth Nomads 0 Verwood 61
18th October 2003

This was a thoroughly entertaining evening match played under floodlights at Chapel Gate in which Verwood scored 9 tries. Conditions were perfect for open flowing rugby and the sizeable crowd was not disappointed. Verwood were pleased
to field their two visiting Italians, Number 8 Georgio Leyrosso and centre Jasepie Lambini who scored four tries between them.

After 5 minutes Leyrosso broke blind from a scrum in Verwood’s half. Breaking numerous tackles he linked with the backs. Some slick handling saw flanker Paul McGuffie score under the posts. Soon after a quickly taken tap penalty 20 metres
out saw Leyrosso gather and feed second row Darren Clarbull who bulldozed over to score. Leyrosso scored soon after. A poor clearance kick by Bournemouth’s fly half Ian Moore was gifted into the hands of Leyrosso who from 15 metres out
weaved his way over the line to score.

The best try of the night came from a scrum on Verwood’s 10 metre line. Karl Jensen, playing at fly half, took the ball at pace and stepped inside Moore with ease. He pinned his ears back and linked with centre Kuhne who scored under the posts.
At the end of the first quarter, a steal at the lineout by Darren Clarbull saw hooker Steve Thomas break loose. A surge of pace, combined with a couple of hand-offs, saw him score his first try for the Club. Shortly before the break, another quickly
taken tap penalty awarded due to Moore  failing to release on the ground saw scrum half Ben Stocken feed the rampaging Leyrosso who scored his second.

40-0 at half time.

Following the restart Bournemouth looked more lively and enjoyed a good 10 minute spell nearly penetrating the Verwood defence on a couple of occasions. However, their cause was not helped by some poor decision making by Moore and
some ineffective line kicking which added much to the frustration of the home side. Club stalwart and  Prop forward John Hill got the biggest roar of the night when he linked with Thomas, having joined the line following good third phase possession,
to bounce over the line. Layrosso scored his third following a turnover in the tackle to skip in unopposed. It was his fellow Italian Lambini who had the final say of the night. Leyrosso broke right from the scrummage to feed Lambini who stepped in
and out to score under the posts.

Verwood’s Captain, Phil Huckle, was clearly delighted with the performance. He said, “This was our best performance of the season by far with some great ball handing. It was a very satisfying team performance”

Verwood: Paul McGuffie; Darren Clarbull; Georgio Leyrosso (3); Marc Kuhne; Steve Thomas; John Hill; Jasepie Lambini
Conversions: Marc Kuhne (8)

Verwood 22 Paxton Pumas 30
11th October 2003

Despite trailing 10-0 after 20 minutes and then leading 22-10 into the final quarter, Verwood threw this game away to Paxton who scored four tries in quick succession.

Paxton scored first after 5 minutes. A kick and chase out of Paxton’s 22 saw the ball bounce up for centre Jon Pye who scored in the right hand corner. Paxton’s second came some after. An innocuous clearance from the 22 by Paxton’s Jones failed to find touch and bounced up again into the clutches of Jon Pye who showed good pace only to be brought down short of the line by Verwood’s Hunt. Pye linked with left wing Tom Earles who scored in the corner.
Verwood then got a grip of the game and began to control it in all phases. Following a scrum on Paxton’s 10 metres line, Verwood centre Steve Deeble put up a high ball which was gathered by Paxton’s fly half Jones. He  lost the ball in the tackle which fell into the hands of right wing Phil Emery who scored in the right hand corner. 10 minutes from half time Verwood stole at the lineout on halfway. The ball was moved swiftly left to winger Darren Kendall who showed good pace to round his man and score in the corner.

10-10 at half time.

Verwood scored again soon after the restart. Verwood’s lively scrum half Ben Stocken picked up lose ball on the Paxton side at a ruck in Paxton’s 22. He fed number 8 Paul McGuffie who drove over to score. Kendall scored his second soon after. Another steal at the lineout in Paxton’s 22 saw the ball moved swiftly left. Centre Andy Palmer made a half break to feed  winger Kendall who scored his second. Emery converted.

At 22-10, and in complete control of all phases, it looked like Verwood had the match all sown up with 15 minutes remaining. Things went horribly wrong for the home side straight from the restart. The restart kick went unfielded only to be taken by Paxton second row Paul Greenwood who showed good pace to score in the corner. Then, following a maul in Verwood’s 22, Chris Liard went on a meandering run to score. Then, controversially Paxton scored following a quickly taken lineout on half way. Jon Pye gathered another kick ahead to weave over and score. To add insult to injury Paxton then scored straight from the restart. The ball was moved left. Winger Tom Earles juggled his pass but controlled the ball with a series of kicks ahead to score in the corner.

Verwood: Phil Emery; Darren Kendall (2); Paul McGuffie
Conversion: Phil Emery
Paxton Pumas: Tom Earles(2); Jon Pye(2); Paul Greenwood; Christopher Liard;

Verwood 37 Southampton III 29
4th October 2003

Spookily, when Verwood played Southampton at Potterne in February last year, the visitors also scored 29 points but this time it was the home side who ended up on the right side of the scorecard.

The first half was a fragmented affair with no real pattern to the game for either side. Southampton’s backline was bolstered by three very elusive, free running Fijians seconded from Marchwood army camp. They were exciting to watch with ball in hand. Verwood opened the scoring through second row Simon Banks. A well worked tap penalty move saw Banks power over and score from 15 metres out. Fijian Bim Baluara then scored for Southampton after a mazey run from deep. Verwood’s  dominance in the scrum paid off after 25 minutes. A scrum was won against the head 20 metres out. The Verwood pack drove, for Number 8 Chris Goldsworthy to pick up and dive over to score. A intercept pass on half way in the dying seconds of the first half saw Southampton centre Jamie Stuart run 50 metres to score. Bim added the conversion.

10-12 at half-time.

There then followed an amazing purple patch for Verwood during which they scored three quick tries led by the inspirational Simon Banks who possibly enjoyed his finest moment for Verwood. Not only did he dominate the lineout but he led from the front. He led a driving maul 15 metres out that drove hooker Steve Thomas over for his first try for the club on his second appearance. Banks was then on the end of an excellent handling move from the three quarters which saw him over in the corner. Video of Simon Bank's 2nd Try Then, to add to the icing on the cake, he took a clean catch from a shortened lineout 15 metres out and was driven over to score.

The game looked won with 20 minutes left. In fairness to Southampton they took the game to Verwood and scored two quick tries through Jerry Jaturarar and Bim Baluara both super individual efforts. But it was Verwood’s Number 8 Goldswothy who put the game beyond reach when, following another excellent take at the lineout by Banks 15 metres out, he rolled off the ensuing maul to score in the corner.

A consolation final score by Bim Baluara, his third, ended a memorable and entertaining match in which a total of 14 tries were scored.

See video clips of all Verwood's tries

Verwood: Simon Banks (3); Chris Goldsworthy (2); Wayne Vaughan; Steve Thomas;
Conversion: Marc Kuhne (1)
Southampton: Jamie Stuart; Jerry Jaturarar; Bim Baluara (3)
Conversions: Bim Baluara (2)

Verwood 15 Chineham 14
27th September 2003

An 83rd Minute Penalty, converted by outside half Marc Kuhne, secured victory for Verwood in which they maintain their unbeaten run in the League and currently top Hampshire Division 3. In the past few weeks Verwood have played with passion and courage and have excelled in protecting their own possession which has been the key to their recent League success.

Early pressure paid off for Verwood. On 10 minutes, a penalty award 10 metres out saw scrum- half Ben Stocken show great presence of mind to quickly tap and crash over to score.
Video of Ben Stocken's Try

However, despite Verwood’s territorial dominance and against the run of play, it was Chineham who clawed back with three penalties to lead 9-5 at half time.
The second half was a carbon copy of the first, Verwood camped themselves in Chineham’s half but again were unable to convert pressure into points. In fairness, Chineham’s back division always looked threatening. They faltered only through basic handling errors or the taking of the wrong option and in particular failing to make better use of their quick winger Steve Knight.

In the set piece the Verwood scrum shoved the Chineham eight all over the park where the front row of Ford, Huckle, Mackrell made its presence felt. Wheatley, Goldsworthy & McGuffie were, once again, charging ferociously off the rucks and mauls totting up considerable yardage.

Despite Verwood’s territorial dominance, the threat out wide became apparent 25 minutes into the second half. Chineham managed to move the ball wide from a ruck. Second row Richard Avendell loitered amongst the backs and showed good pace to charge down the flank and eventually score under the posts.

Into the last quarter, and Verwood were once again firmly camped in Chineham’s 22. Verwood’s Number 8 Paul McGuffie broke free from a rolling maul. Although tackled short of the line, he stretched out with is hand to score. Marc Kuhne converted.
Video of Paul McGuffie's Try

The dying minutes of the match saw Verwood trailing 14-12. Yet another infringement at the ruck saw Verwood awarded a penalty 35 metres out. The election to kick at goal was a wise choice by Huckle as Kuhne struck the ball sweetly through the uprights followed by the referee blowing his final whistle.
Video of Marc's Kick

Verwood’s Captain, Phil Huckle was glowing after the match. “We stuck at the task and our resolve, effort and determination was rewarded in the end”.

Verwood: Ben Stocken; Paul McGuffie
Conversion: Marc Kuhne
Penalty: Marc Kuhne
Chineham: Richard Avendell
Penalties: Gary McGuire (3)

Verwood 0 Nomads 48
20th September 2003

Verwood failed to progress beyond the first round of the Powergen Vase. Although the early exchanges did not suggest there would be such a margin of victory, Verwood were comprehensively beaten by the Hampshire Division 2 side from Portsmouth. So many Nomads players contributed to a pulsating performance in which they led 31-0 at the interval having at that stage scored 5 tries. Verwood were well and truly out of the game even at that stage.
Nomads scored a total of eight tries, three of which were converted by fly half Davis. The pick of  them was the final score of the game. Clean lineout ball in Verwood’s 22 saw two long passes finding full back Springall who had hit the line at pace. On this performance Nomads look more than capable of returning to Hampshire 1 this season.

All credit to Verwood though who stuck to the task and in fairness secured good attacking opportunities from a number of phases. Verwood’s Captain, Phil Huckle was not too despondent after the game. He said “They were a well drilled side and are likely to progress to the final stages of this national competition. Even so, there were tremendous individual contributions from our forwards in all phases. We must now focus on the League and next week’s game away to Chineham.”

Tries: Davis (2); Springall (2); Jerling (2); Harper-Ronald (2)
Conversions: Davis ( (4)

Verwood 20 East Dorset 17
13th September 2003

Another glorious sunny afternoon at Potterne Park saw Verwood win their opening league game of the season in a closely fought encounter. Once again, it was Verwood’s solid scrummage which proved to be such a effective platform.

Verwood scored after 10 minutes. Quick ruck ball saw the ball moved to inside centre Neil Westerman. He stepped inside and crashed over. Soon after, Verwood were awarded a penalty 40 metres out which Westerman converted.
On the half-hour, East Dorset’s inside centre Mike Scammell finished off a scoring movement after a series of rucks following a bursting charge by Stuart Holt at number 8. Fly-half Morgan Leadbitter added the conversion.  Soon after, a comedy of errors in failing to field an innocuous high ball on half way saw the ball pop to East Dorset’ scrum half Carl Leadbitter who sprinted 40
metres to score. Then, minutes before the break, Verwood won clean ball from a scrum 20 metres out. Outside centre Darren Kendall broke through to feed full-back Richard Hunt who wriggled over to score in the corner. Westerman converted.

15-12 at half-time.

Territorially, Verwood dominated the second half. 20 minutes in, Verwood lock Mike Wheatley stole the ball at a lineout 15 metres out. He fed prop Phil Huckle resulting in the pack driving him over to score. 10 minutes from time, East Dorset effectively moved the ball right following a ruck 30 metres out. Outside centre Calum Doherty showed great pace to arc around Kendall to score.

East Dorset had the opportunity to draw the game in the last five minutes but elected to kick to gain a lineout 10 metres out. Wheatley again stole at the lineout and the game was won.

Verwood’s captain, Phil Huckle was delighted. He said “Everyone gave 100% in what was a great team effort”

Verwood: Neil Westerman; Richard Hunt; Phil Huckle;
Penalty: Neil Westerman (1);
Conversion: Neil Westerman
East Dorset: Mike Scammell; Calum Doherty; Carl Leadbitter;
Conversion: Morgan Leadbitter

Verwood 35 Poole 0
6th September 2003

A total of six tries were scored in a game where the scoreline belies the contribution which Poole made to this thoroughly entertaining match. The weather conditions were perfect for open running rugby on a sunny crisp afternoon and both sides played the game in great spirit.
Right from the outset Verwood dominated both the tight and loose play culminating in a penalty award directly under Verwood’s impressive new international standard posts. It was fitting that they were christened with the conversion of the resulting kick by full back Phil Emery.

After several long incursions into Poole's half, Verwood’s first try resulted from a scrum won against the head. The ball was moved wide to winger Wayne Vaughan who showed his pace to go over in the corner.  Poole looked the part on the counter-attack and Verwood occasionally looked vulnerable in the three quarters due to the pace of Poole's fullback and wings who combined well. But it was quick ball from a ruck 30 metres out that saw Verwood's new fly half, South African Mark Huhne, crisply feed the ball to centre Darren Kendall on the scissors who went on an arcing run to score in
the corner.

15-0 at half-time.

Shortly after the break, Verwood's pack showed its dominance in the scrum by driving the Poole eight over from 15 metres out allowing Verwood's number 8, Chris Goldsworthy, to score on his debut. 10 minutes into the second half saw Verwood’s full back Emery find great field position 10 metres from Poole’s line following a hefty boot upfield. The ensuing lineout was stolen by lock Tony Cosgrove. Scrum half Ben Stocken found blind side wing Tim Wynn on the crash ball who powered over to score.

Another well worked move in the three quarters saw Verwood’s Huhne find Kendall on the short ball from 20 metres out to see the powerful centre score his second. Emery added the conversion.

Towards the end, flanker Martin Hillier also went over from 10 metres out after Goldsworthy had picked up at eight from the back of the scrum.

Verwood’s new captain, Phil Huckle, was full of praise for his team after the match. “We played 15 man rugby throughout which is the style of game we are trying to develop. I was particularly impressed by the contributions made by our new players Chris Goldsworthy, Tony Cosgrove and Mark Huhne.”

Darren Kendall (2); Wayne Vaughan; Chris Goldsworthy; Tim Wynn; Martin Hillier;
Conversions: Phil Emery (1);
Penalty: Phil Emery.

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